First National Divine Mercy Pilgrimage to Walsingham

‘Tell the Whole World’ about My Mercy’ was the theme of the first National Pilgrimage of Divine Mercy to the Roman Catholic Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham on Saturday, 5 June. Around 1500 pilgrims took part.
The day began with songs of praise and the Enthronement of the Divine Mercy Image. A special intention was to pray for the forthcoming Papal visit and a special union of prayer was extended to the Holy Father. Solemn exposition of the Blessed Sacrament followed during which pilgrims prayed intently in silent.
Mgr Keith Barltrop (National Coordinator for Divine Mercy in UK) then gave talk on ‘God’s Mercy, Help of the World’ drawing our attention to trust in God’s Mercy and to proclaim it by the witness of our lives. He spoke of the need for a renewed commitment to serious prayer and fasting and exhorted the pilgrims to be part of a National Movement to spread the fire of God’s Mercy throughout the British Isles.
Then the solemn silent Procession of the Blessed Sacrament wended its way from the Abbey Grounds, up the Martyrs’ Way, and along the Pilgrims’ Way through the fields to the Roman Catholic National Shrine. Upon arrival at the Shrine the Chaplet of Divine Mercy was sung.
The Pilgrimage culminated with the celebration of Mass presided by Fr Wojtek Jasinski MIC. A moving homily was preached by Fr. Laurie Locke in which he humbly spoke of how God’s Mercy had enveloped his own priestly life and the transforming impact of the Divine Mercy Devotion in his own Parish Community.
Before the final blessing all the concelebrating priests came before the Divine Mercy Image and led the congregation in a solemn Entrustment of the Church and our Countries to the Divine Mercy.