Liverpool: Archbishop Kelly pays tribute to Lady Grace Sheppard

Lady Grace Sheppard
Many tributes are being made to Lady Grace Sheppard, who died on Wednesday night. She was the widow of the Right Reverend Lord David Sheppard, former Anglican Bishop of Liverpool, popular religious broadcaster and distinguished England cricket captain.
Lady Grace, who was 75, died of cancer. She supported many charities and wrote the best-selling book 'Living With Dying' (published by DLT) drawing on her experiences of caring for her husband in his final illness.
The Most Reverend Patrick Kelly, Archbishop of Liverpool, said: "Liverpool has lost a lady whose name truly reflected her life and her service to so many. Grace by name and Grace by nature. Many of us found our lives enriched by Bishop David and since his death in so many ways by Grace.
"Her journey towards death will surely be recognised as a way in which she inspired and encouraged many.
"May she now rest in the peace of the Risen Lord and may her daughter, Jenny, and all who mourn her be comforted."
There will be a private funeral next week. News of her memorial ceremony will be announced at a later date.