Westminster: three former Anglican bishops received into Catholic Church

Westminster Cathedral
History was made on New Year's Day when three former Anglican bishops, together with worshippers from 20 Church of England parishes, and three Anglican nuns were received into the Catholic Church in a Confirmation service at Westminster Cathedral.
The former bishops of Fulham, Ebbsfleet and Richborough, the Reverends John Broadhurst, Andrew Burnham and Keith Newton, were applauded by a packed congregation after they received Communion during the Mass.
Two of the bishops’ wives were also Confirmed, together with three former Anglican nuns who have moved to a Catholic convent from the Anglican Walsingham Abbey.
In the next few weeks, further groups of Anglican clergy and worshippers will be received into the Catholic Church,as the new Ordinariate for former Anglicans begins to be established.
All of the former Anglican clergy will need to be ordained as Catholic priests before they can begin their ministry in the new Ordinariate.
A diocesan spokesman said he thought about 50 former Anglican clergy would be ordained by Easter.