Holy Land: new video highlights work of Christian Peacemakers
A beautifully made nine-minute film focuses on the work of the Christian Peacemaker Teams in the South Hebron Hills. Here ancient Palestinian villages are being encroached on by illegal settlers who are taking over their farmland, blocking roads and attacking primary school children on their way to school - so much so that the youngsters need an Israeli military escort.
Produced, filmed and edited by journalist Catherine Rabenstine, the nine-minute film interviews CPT's Palestinian partners who are resisting non-violently the Israeli military occupation in Hebron/Al Khalil and the South Hebron Hills.
Rabenstine also interviews CPT Palestine members in the field, who describe their work and their partnership with Palestinians practicing "sumoud," or steadfastness, in raising their families, going to school and doing their work in the face of enormous systematic violence imposed by the Israeli occupation.
Referring to CPT's new emphasis on advocacy, of which this film is a part, CPTer Melanie Southworth notes in the video,:When you go home to your home communities, they believe you because you saw it with your own eyes. You have proof and you have stories . . . I think the best gift you can give someone at home is the gift of the truth of what's happening here."
The video, which has a lovely musical soundtrack, is available for download or on a CD. Those who wish to receive a CD of the film may contact palestine-advocacy@cpt.org
It can also be viewed on YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/CPTHebron#p/a/u/0/A_wgfUJai68