Westminster launches leaflet on environment
The care of God’s creation is the focus of a new leaflet about the environment which has been produced for the Diocese of Westminster’s 214 parishes in London and Hertfordshire.
The leaflet, ‘Our Environmental Mission’ provides suggestions on how Catholics can learn more about the Catholic faith and its message for creation. It also includes a range of practical ideas on caring for the natural world through living simply and sustainably.
In an introduction to the leaflet, which has been compiled by the Diocese of Westminster’s Justice and Peace Commission, Bishop John Arnold said: “Pope Benedict XVI, in his message for World Peace Day in 2010, said: ‘The environment must be seen as God’s gift to all people, and the use we make of it entails a shared responsibility for all humanity, especially the poor and future generations’ “
“It is right that we honour creation through prayer and liturgy. It is also important to link faith with action.”
“Small actions, which can be easily accomplished, are often the most effective. But whatever your contribution, I hope that you can be encouraged by the ideas in this leaflet and so better care for the gifts of the Earth and live out the Eucharist as stewards of creation.”
Fr Joe Ryan, Chair of the Diocese of Westminster’s Justice and Peace Commission said: "Our Environmental Mission provides a succinct summary of the theology concerning care for God’s creation as well as some easily achievable activities which parishes can carry out. The leaflet includes suggested actions for the diocese, for our
parishes and for individual parishioners. Also included are links to other resources and websites which will allow parishes to work for the common good of God’s creation and learn more about the Catholic Faith and its message for caring for the Earth, our home.”
Copies of the leaflet can be downloaded from: www.rcdow.org.uk/fileupload/upload/EnvironmentalMission132201241420.pdf
Source: Archbishops House