Kent: First Catholic Schools become ‘Academies’
The Secretary of State, Michael Gove MP, has agreed for the first two of Kent’s Catholic schools to become academies. As of 1 January 2014, St Joseph’s Catholic Primary in Aylesham and St Simon Stock Secondary in Maidstone took on the increased freedoms over such matters as curriculum, spending, staffing and school improvement as part of a new organisation called the Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership (KCSP). The ground-breaking move is part of a proposal for all thirty-two voluntary-aided Catholic schools in Kent to become academies as part of KCSP. The proposal, initiated by the Catholic Archdiocese of Southwark over eighteen months ago, had been beset by technical delays but is now underway with the prospect of a further twelve Catholic schools joining KCSP as academies by the end of this school year.
Bridie Dodson, Headteacher and Principal of the new St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School said: "I am very proud that St Joseph’s is one of the first schools to take this step. Being an academy as part of the Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership (KCSP) will mean we can make sure even more of our resources go directly to improving still further the excellent learning and faith outcomes achieved by our pupils. St Joseph’s has a long and successful history of providing the local community with the choice of an excellent Catholic education. This move will mean that continues for local families and children, and it allows us to help other schools where we can."
Brendan Wall, Headteacher and Principal of the new St Simon Stock Catholic Secondary School said: "Becoming an academy as part of the Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership (KCSP) is the natural extension of the independence we have always sought for the benefit of our students, staff and wider Catholic community. It’s the best of both worlds: as staff and governors we get to decide more of what works for students, and as part of KCSP we get to support and learn from similar schools so that Catholic education in Kent is among the best education in the country "
Clive Webster, Chief Executive of the Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership (KCSP) since September, was keen to acknowledge the role of Kent County Council and the Department for Education as the major partners in securing recent progress. "We all share the same major aim, which is for education in Kent to be excellent across the board, and for Catholic education to play the strongest possible part in making that happen. Working together there is no reason why parents and children across Kent should not enjoy world class education, and the successful track record of most Catholic schools means KCSP can play a significant part in achieving that."