Iraq: Special election prayers be recited in all Chaldean churches

Archbishop Louis Sako
The Patriarch of Babylon of the Chaldeans, Archbishop Louis Sako Raphael, has given instructions for a special prayer to be recited in all the Chaldean churches in Iraq at the end of Sunday Masses in preparation for the upcoming elections, scheduled on 30 April.
The prayer says: "O Lord. You are our Creator and Father. We turn to you, in the delicate and difficult circumstances experienced by our country. We ask for your help as individuals, as communities and government, so that the next election thinks about the well-being of Iraq and its children".
In the special prayer, the faithful ask to be enlightened "so that we can fulfill our responsibilities as voters with honesty and loyalty and vote political representatives who are able to build our Country and assure security, peace and development".
On Saturday, a meeting was due to take place between Patriarch Sako and the President of the autonomous region of Kurdistan, Massoud Barzani.
Source: Fides