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Laudato Si' Week - The growth of Eco-parishes

 Lee parish with livesimply award plaque

Lee parish with livesimply award plaque

Last Friday I was privileged to assess Our Lady of Lourdes parish in Lee, South London, for the livesimply Award. When myself and Sarah Hagger-Holt of the campaign team at CAFOD turned into the parish off a busy main road we immediately noticed a well maintained garden at the front of the church and a general invitation to a Saturday afternoon tea - in fact a 'deluxe tea'. There was a sense of a loving community even before we were warmly welcomed into the presbytery by Fr Chukwuemeka Nnaji, and sat down with seven parishioners who have been the prime movers behind the award.

Two large files were placed on the table documenting parish work for the award and coordinator Jillie Smithies spoke to them. Applicants must undertake three substantial actions, covering each of the headings of 'Living Simply', 'Living Sustainably', and 'Living in Solidarity with People in Poverty'. Then, at least six other actions. In addition, they must show that the programme is sustainable, with a 'green team', the settings of targets and good outreach to the whole congregation, which in this case numbers around 500 people.

Well, for substantial achievement there was significant action to support the local churches foodbank, with food stuffs being collected at the church porch and the placing of information in the parish newsletter about poverty in Britain and the Church's Social Teaching. The parish is a fairtrade one and ethical shopping is promoted. There is a long tradition of advocacy on sustainable development, supporting CAFOD campaigns such as 'Hungry for Change' and 'Thirst for Change'. But there were so many other initiatives taken forward by various parish groups which comprised around 60 activists. There was a very active Justice and Peace group, gardening and craft groups, a peace corner in the church, and various initiatives to recycle, car share and audit energy use with a view to reducing energy consumption. The parish is active with Citizens UK, where communities act together for social justice, and it is involved with twinning projects in the West Bank and in Africa.

For the future, the parish is looking into replacing its old, inefficient boiler. It will consider CAFOD's campaign for individuals and communities to switch their energy to 100% renewables, using green electricity and gas. It is also reaching out to local schools and youth, such as scouts, to push living simply, sustainably and in solidarity with the poor.

Well, Our Lady of Lourdes in Lee became the third parish in Southwark Archdiocese and the 21st in England and Wales to achieve the livesimply Award, a national prize for Catholic parishes putting their faith into action. Like the other parishes I've assessed - at Woodley in Portsmouth Diocese and Petts Wood in Southwark Diocese - I've been so impressed by the commitment of the communities to build a sustainable future, act in solidarity with the poor and live as simply as possible.

I was so inspired earlier last week by another parish I visited, St Wilfred's in Widnes. Amongst a series of weekly meetings which attracted 30-40 people each night, the Wednesday gathering focused on Laudato Si and the discussion at the end focused on personal changes needed to live more simply. I had brought half a dozen copies of Laudato Si' and the Columban study programme on the encyclical and they all went. It was also great to see priests and people supporting the talks and dialoguing over future plans.

The first anniversary of Pope Francis' encyclical Laudato Si' is seeing significant parish activity globally to 'Care for our Common Home' and make those necessary moves towards "ecological conversion" where care for God's creation is a crucial dimension of our faith. In its new 'Eco-Parish Guide' the Global Catholic Climate Movement highlights parishes internationally on a mission to promote the common good.

In the Philippines, the Columban-run parish of Malate in Manila has a Care of the Earth Ministry and liturgically celebrates Creation Time from 1 September - 4 October. There are 60 solar panels on the roof of the church and an eco-spirituality centre just outside Manila. In France, the Archdiocese of Paris has a Laudato Si section on its website that provides quotes from the encyclical together with reflection and practical advice on food, consumption, transportation, homes, education, and professional and social life. In January 2016, the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Singapore noted that it is customary for families to prepare for the Chinese New Year celebrations by spring cleaning their homes. Parishioners were invited to "turn trash to treasure" by bringing their used clothes, bags, books, toys and shoes to the church and then these items were sent to poor communities in rural Myanmar and Philippines. The project also educated parishioners on the problem of excessive consumerism. Holy Family Parish in Emerton, Australia, plants vegetable gardens to supplement local diets and the gardens help people see our connections to creation and its seasons.

Eco-parishes are becoming more evident just about everywhere and it is appropriate to celebrate their witness during Laudato Si' Week.

Read about the Live Simply award here:

For more information about eco parishes see:

Ellen Teague is reporting daily on Laudato Si' Week for Independent Catholic News.


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