Pope Francis: Every day we are called to renew our trust in Christ
Pope Francis greeted members of the General Assembly of the Pallotine Fathers on Monday. Speaking of the charism of St Vincent Pallotti, who founded the order in Rome in 1835, the Pope said he was "blessed to recognize that Jesus is the Apostle of the Father - rich in mercy and full of mercy - Christ is the one who fulfills his mission by revealing to everyone the tender love and the infinite mercy of the Father."
"Contemplating the life of Jesus and looking at our life as pilgrims in this world with its many challenges, we feel the necessity of a profound conversion and the urgency of reviving faith in Him," Pope Francis said. "This is the only way we can serve our neighbour in charity! Every day we are called to renew our trust in Christ and from his life draw inspiration to fulfill our mission because 'Jesus is the first and greatest evangelizer. In every activity of evangelization, the primacy always belongs to God, who has called us to cooperate with him and who leads us on by the power of his Spirit.'" [Evangelii gaudium, 12).
The Holy Father urged the Pallotine Fathers to "continue with joy and hope on your path, engaging yourselves with all your heart and all your strength, so the charism of your Founder bears abundant fruit also in our time."
"St Vincent Pallotti liked to repeat that the call of the apostolate is not reserved to some, but is addressed to everyone, 'regardless of their status, their condition, their profession, their fortune, all are able to take part,'" Pope Francis said.
Pope Francis then spoke of the Union of Catholic Apostolate (UAC), which fosters apostolic works in dioceses around the world. The UAC was also founded by St Vincent Pallotti, and is under the pastoral care of the Pallotine Fathers.
The Pope said the apostolate "offers many spaces and opens new horizons to participate in the mission of the Church," adding he was familiar with the UAC during his time in Argentina, and has fond memories of them.
Pope Francis called on them to work with "renewed vigour to reawaken faith and rekindle charity, especially among the most vulnerable segments of the population, the materially and spiritually poor."
Source: Vatican Radio