YouCast - first Catholic youth ministry podcast in UK

MYMission: Middlesbrough Diocesan Youth Mission Team have begun YouCast, the first Catholic Youth Ministry Podcast in the UK aimed at all those who work with young people in a Catholic setting.
Two episodes of the podcast, which launched earlier this month, are now available and have been very well received, with large download stats for the UK and even downloads in the US and Japan.
The ethos behind the podcast is simple - let's tell as many youth ministers as much about what is going on in the field of Catholic youth ministry as possible. This just may help us all get to know each other and each other's work a little better, it may inform our own work, allow us to develop our own understanding and spirituality, and feed us as we try to help young people in their relationship with God and the Church.
Fr Paul Farrer STB, Diocesan Youth Chaplain, writes: "Originally, we wanted to simply reach our fellow youth ministers in the Diocese of Middlesbrough but when we began to talk about the possibility of a podcast many other people expressed an interest. The result is YouCast.
Please check out YouCast at or subscribe to the feed with feed burner or your iTunes software at:
We also welcome your input to future episodes - we can't keep YouCast as it was imagined to be without you. Let us know what is going on or better still, record a little piece yourself and email it up to us at
Episode 1 - Year of Faith
Deacon Vincent Purcell - Adult Formation Officer for the Diocese of Middlesbrough
Margaret Rees - Co-ordinator of School Chaplaincy for the Diocese of Middlesbrough
Fr Dermott Donnelly - Chair of CYMFed, Catholic Youth Ministry Federation
Jack Regan of
Fr Christopher Jamieson OSB - Director of the National Office for Vocation
The InReality Youth Ministry Team of the Diocese of Hallam
with the main focus on the Year of Faith as well as a look at Vocation Voices.
Episode 2 - Advent and Christmas
Bishop Terry Drainey - Bishop of Middlesbrough
Fr Robert Barron -
Deacon Vincent Purcell - Adult Formation Officer for the Diocese of Middelsbrough
John Toryusen - Director, Southwark Catholic Youth Service
Sue McDonald - Director, Salesian Youth Ministry
Jack Regan -
Tony Mowbray - Manager, Middlesbrough Football Club
Mark Proctor - First Team Coach, Middlesbrough Football Club
Chris Tomlinson - Olympic Long Jumper, Team GB
with the focus on Advent and Christmas resources, the Year of Faith, Vatican II and
World Youth Day at Home
Please download the podcasts, subscribe to the feed and spread the word. YouCast will be available on iTunes soon.