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Cardinal Vincent Nichols calls for ceasefire in Holy Land

Cardinal Vincent Nichols

Cardinal Vincent Nichols

Source: Archbishops House

More than 8,000 people, including over 3,000 children, have been killed in Gaza since Israel launched their relentless bombing campaign in response to the brutal attack by Hamas inside Israel, which claimed the lives of around 1,400 people on 7 October.

This morning Cardinal Vincent Nicholas issued a new call for prayers and appealed for a ceasefire. He also warned against the avoidance of any "hateful language" as the crisis affects communities here.

The Cardinal told ICN: "Weeks into the terrible conflict in Israel and Gaza, I urge Catholics to sustain their prayers for peace. I echo Pope Francis' appeal for a ceasefire, as a hope not to be abandoned, as an end to all violence in Israel and Palestine.

"The horrific atrocities committed by Hamas in Israel warrant every condemnation. We continue to hold in our prayers those who were killed, the injured, those held hostage, their families and communities.

"The situation facing the millions of civilians in Gaza also calls for effective humanitarian relief. We pray too for those killed, injured and displaced there.

"At home I appeal for restraint and the total avoidance of hateful language and action, as the impact of this conflict is felt in communities here."


The Archbishop Romero Trust

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