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New Catholic podcast audience grows

Last month saw the launch of All Kinds of Catholic, a new weekly podcast. The project has been created by Theresa Alessandro who hosts the episodes. A new conversation with a different Catholic guest is released every Wednesday. The dialogue focusses on how each person is living their faith in the world today. Theresa explained: "It is important that the podcast appears on mainstream platforms like Apple, Spotify, Amazon and Youtube, witnessing to the fact that Catholic people, and our faith journeys, are part of the fabric of society."

Five episodes in, the pod is drawing a growing following of many hundreds of listeners, including some in other parts of the world. Key elements of Catholic culture and practice come to the surface naturally in the conversations. Guests have talked about the Rosary, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, the power of our conscience and of justice, the value of groups like the Catholic Women's League or Laudato Si' Animators, the witness of a beloved parish priest's Jubilee celebration and the challenge of talking about our faith at work. People have honestly shared their 'wobbles', or more serious concerns about their faith or about the church as well.

It can be difficult to put faith into words and the podcast guests are mainly people who are not in the public eye. Their courage and willingness to share something of their story and their own spirituality is deeply moving. The feedback received so far demonstrates how much the episodes resonate with listeners: 'I really appreciated what [podcast guest] Maggie said about women in the church. That's where I am as well.' 'We all sat and listened to [Podcast guest] Peter. It was so lovely to hear him talk about Santo Nino.' 'Loved the wonderful conversation with Matthew. Such human warmth.'

Upcoming episodes include: another Matthew, who has Nigerian heritage and was born during the civil war; Yvonne speaking from New Zealand; and Eleni, who is both a recent graduate and a recent convert.

Please search for All Kinds of Catholic on podcast platforms. 'Follow' the podcast so you won't miss an episode. Rate and review it, to help other people find it. You can follow the dedicated X and Facebook accounts too: @KindsofCatholic.

Theresa has a wealth of development plans but in the meantime do tune in and keep sharing your thoughts, so you can be part of our deeper listening and conversation about Catholic faith in the world today.






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