St Philip and St James the Younger

St Philip
Apostle. Philip was from Bethseda in Galilee. Soon after Jesus called him to be an apostle, he began to convert others, finding his friend Nathaniel and telling him that Jesus of Nazareth was the one Moses and the prophets had written about. When the Greeks wanted to see Jesus it was Philip who they approached.
At the Last Supper he asked: "Lord show us the Father." and Jesus replied: "He that has seen me has seen the Father. I am in the Father and the Father in me."
According to tradition, St Philip preached in Phrygia and died, or was martyred at Hierapolis.
and St James the Younger
St James was the son of Alphaeus. Little is known about him. He is sometimes said to be the same James referred to as 'the Lord's brother'. He presided over the Christian community in Jerusalem and was martyred there in around 62AD. The contemporary Jewish historian Josephus, writes that James was stoned to death. The Epistle of St James is commonly attributed to him.