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All Links Listed Alphabetically
Scholas Occurrentes
Interfaith International Youth Organisation to promote encounter and discussion between different faiths
A Clerk of Oxford
I'm an academic in the field of English medieval literature. I blog about the literature and history of medieval England, as well as about saints, churches, folklore, Vikings, poetry, and anything else that takes my fancy.
A Nun's Life
Some of the best Blogs by Catholic Nuns.
Advent Group
Support group for men and women who have left religious ministry.
Aid to the Church in Need
Charity supporting the suffering church around the world through prayer, information and action.
All Creatures
Site dedicated to the care of all God's creatures and the envronment.
All Kinds of Catholic
Weekly podcast with Theresa Alessandro
All this life and heaven too
The reflections and ramblings of a religious woman called to love and live from the heart.
America Magazine
The Catholic weekly magazine, published by US Jesuits since 1909, with news, analysis, opinion, book reviews and reflections on Sunday scripture.
Ammerdown Centre
Retreat and Conference Centre near Bath, open to people of all faiths and none, with a special emphasis on hospitality, peace and reconciliation.
Amos Trust
Charity which supports Christian communities in the Holy Land.
Women's centre in Birmingham - Anawim provides a holistic service to women across the city and its drop-in centre supports over 700 women every year struggling with issues such as homelessness, domestic violence and sexual exploitation.
Andes Press Agency
Photographic press agency, producing features on issues of human interest/human rights worldwide. APA produces exhibitions on social documentary issues for galleries, colleges, and community centres.
Anima Christi
Pray with others around the world at this site.
Apostolate of Divine Mercy
Retreats and resources from the Apostolate of Divine Mercy - run by the Marian Fathers.
Arthur McCluskey Foundation
Helping the Poor in Bosnia and Herzegovina
ArtTech Church Interiors
Church interior design company based in Connecticut, USA.
Association of Separated and Divorced Catholics
Self-help support groups for those suffering the anguish of marriage breakdown.
ATD Fourth World UK
International voluntary organisation working with people suffering poverty and social exclusion in the UK.
Awareness Foundation
Ecumenical organisation working to build peace and understanding between faiths.
Bar Convent, York
The Congregation of Jesus run a guest house for about 30 people (fairly basic but friendly, warm and safe) - which has been there since 1686 - and a conference centre, restaurant and shop (all small but well used) - also an exhibition of Christianity in the North.
Befriend a Child in Detention - Australia
Charity supporting children in Australian detention centres
Belmont Abbey
Benedictine Abbey is a community of Benedictine monks just outside Hereford on the border of England and Wales.
Bethlehem Care and Hospice Trust
First hospice to be opened in Bethlehem
Bethlehem Nativity Group
Hand Made Olive Wood Carvings from Bethlehem,The Holy Land Holy Land Souvenirs, Olive wood Crosses, Rosaries, Statues, Plaques, Nativities for all your Christian occasions. Visit their Facebook page too.
Beyond These Stone Walls
Blog of Fr Gordon MacRae, an American priest wrongfully imprisoned on an abuse charge.
Bhola's Children
Charity for orphaned and disabled children on the island of Bhola, Bangladesh
Black Catholics
American site devoted to the history of Black people in the Catholic Church.
Bless Egypt
Social Services arm of the Coptic Orthodox Church in Egypt. They have a large Integrated Community Development Programme (ICDP) which has 13 programmes within it covering education, healthcare, youth empowerment, peace-building and several other areas of work.
Blue Swan Quartet - booking now for parties, wedding receptions
This talented and versatile young quartet of saxophone, violin, piano and bass has a unique sound. With a large and ever-growing repertoire of classical and popular pieces Blue Swan are available to play at wedding receptions, official functions and informal parties. This London-based band can also bring a vocalist if needed. See them on YouTube here:
Blushful Earth
Plantable greeting cards
Brian Matthew Whirledge, Icon Artist
Icon Artist
Briery Retreat Centre
Retreat and Conference Centre in Ilkley, West Yorkshire
Catholic Faith Exploration - courses and resources from the UK-based Catholic Evangelisation Services.
Overseas aid and development agency of the Catholic Church in England and Wales
Blogs from around the world with CAFOD.
CAFOD prayer resources
Resources and prayers
Canon Law Abstracts
A review of periodical literature in Canon Law by members of the Canon Law Society of Great Britain and Ireland containing references for canon law articles published from 1995 to the present.
Cardinal Hume Centre
Services for young homeless people.
Cardinal Kung Foundation
Organization promoting religious freedom in China.
Care Not Killing
UK-based alliance bringing together around 50 organisations - human rights and disability rights organisations, health care and palliative care groups, faith-based organisations groups - and thousands of concerned individuals. We have three key aims: • to promote more and better palliative care; • to ensure that existing laws against euthanasia and assisted suicide are not weakened or repealed during the lifetime of the current Parliament; • to inform public opinion further against any weakening of the law.
International Catholic aid network.
Casting Fire
Blog by Fr Rajiv Michael
Castlerigg Manor
Lancaster RC Diocesan youth centre.
We are a network of Catholics who meet regularly to enjoy each other's company and to help and support each other throughout the world.
Website of the Belgian Bishops Conference
Catholic Action For Animals
Group for Catholics concerned about animal welfare
Catholic Church in England and Wales
Catholic Communications Office of the Bishops' Conference of England and Wales.
Catholic Directory
UK-based online Catholic directory of parishes, schools, communities and people in the UK and Ireland.
Catholic Labour Network
US- based organisation for Catholic workers
Catholic Listeners
Website and telephone helpline for people who have questions about our Catholic faith - whether they are those who have been baptised and drifted away from Church or people interested in learning more.
Catholic Media House
Short contemporary films on religious subjects. An excellent resource for catechists.
Catholic Mobilizing Network
US Catholic organisation campaigning against the death penalty
Catholic Online
Comprehensive devotional and news site from the USA.
Catholic Online Prayers
More than 3,000 prayers and devotions listed by topic
Catholic Teachers Gazette
The site for Catholic teaching jobs in England & Wales.
Catholic Truth Society
Catholic publishing house.
Catholic Unattached Directory
A website for single Catholics which includes internet members and postal members.
Catholic Women's League UK
The CWL UK is linked to the World Union of Catholic Women's Organisations
Catholics For A Changing Church
Organisation for faithful progressive Catholics - 'To live is to change, and to be perfect is to have changed often' Saint John Henry Newman.
Cenacle: Catholic Books and Gifts
Suppliers of new and second-hand books, statues, cards, incense, icons and sacramentals. Contact Catherine or Moray Ness tel/fax: 0845 458 1684 (UK Local rate) International:+44(0)1695 556548 or
Cenacolo UK
Catholic centre for drug rehabilitation
Chilworth Benedictine Abbey Shop
Selling organic cosmetics and polishes made by the monks
Christian Aid
Partnership of churches and communities for aid and development worldwide.
Christian Art
Christian Art's mission is to offer a pathway to grow closer to God through the beauty of art and the Gospel.
Christian Connection
Introduction agency for Christian singles of all denominations.
Christian Solidarity Worldwide
Charity working for religious liberties around the world.
Christian website design and marketing
Family-run Christian website and marketing agency - committed to bearing fruit for Jesus.
Centre for Legal Aid, Assistance and Settlement (CLAAS) is an interdenominational organisation working for Christians who are being persecuted because of their faith in Pakistan.
Clogher Diocese
This diocese covers territory in both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.
Columba Books
Religious publishers: 'Thoughtful books for a thinking church'.
Columbans in Britain
A Society of priests and lay missionaries announcing the Good News of Jesus Christ, through word and deed, to those deprived of life as God intended, with a special commitment to Asia and Latin America. The Columbans work in solidarity with the poor and the exploited earth for justice, peace and the integrity of creation, and promote life-giving relationships between people of different cultures and faiths.
Ireland's cultural movement.
Constantinian Order - Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George
The Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George and the Royal Order of Francis (Francesco) I are ancient and internationally recognised dynastic Orders of Knighthood. The Constantinian Order is actively involved in the defence and promotion of the Roman Catholic religion, and together with the multi-faith Royal Order of Francis I, undertakes spiritual, humanitarian, hospitaller and charitable projects and initiatives across Great Britain and its dependant territories, Ireland and the world.
Craig Lodge Family House of Prayer
Catholic Retreat Centre in the village of Dalmally, set amongst the beautiful hills and lochs of Argyll, Scotland, is well known for offering a whole variety of retreats but bringing young families together for a retreat experience has become one of its hallmarks. Ruth Black, who manages the retreat centre, says that the Community wants families to feel welcome and at home so that they leave encouraged and refreshed. "Prayer is still at the heart of these family retreats but in the mix are games, noise and a lot of food squished into carpets".
Custos of the Holy Land
Franciscan missionaries serving the Holy Land.
David A Walter
Fr David is a recently-retired Westminster priest
Deacons Today. Servants in a Servants Church
Blog by Deacon William T. Ditewig, Ph.D.
Detention Action
Charity supporting people in UK immigration detention centres
Diocese of Plymouth
Diocese in southwest of England
Divine Mercy Sunday
Devotional site.
Divine Thread
Online Spiritual Direction with Fr Paul Maddison, a priest of the Diocese of East Anglia
Dony MacManus
Dr John Wyatt
Dr John Wyatt is a leading Christian doctor
Duncan McGibbon
Catholic Poet and Author
Names and details of those who have died homeless in UK. Organised by Museum of Homelessness
UK-based Christian theological think-tank and ecumenical news service.
Emek Shaveh
An Israeli NGO working to defend cultural heritage rights and to protect ancient sites as public assets that belong to members of all communities, faiths and peoples.
"Giving people a bed... and a reason to get out of it".
Emmaus Leadership
Teaching Jobs
Emmaus Retreat Centre, Dublin
Emmaus Retreat & Conference Centre Dublin offers a range of workshops & workshops with on site accommodation. For more information check out the web site.
Eternal City Tours
Company specialising in trips to Rome. Endorsed by the Benedictines
Eyewitness blogs from the Holy Land
Eyewitness blogs from Ecumenical Accompaniers in the Holy Land (EAPPI)
Fellowship and Aid to the Christians of the East
Faith Arts
Irish Catholic website on religion and the popular arts. Useful for RE teachers and others.
Faith Development Ministries
New Zealand-based organisation which runs the New Zealand CaFE.
Faith in Public Life
US-based advocacy and campaign organisation
Faithful Companions of Jesus (FCJ)
International congregation of religious sisters, living Ignatian spirituality.
First Holy Communion Day
Online shop for First Holy Communion clothes and gifts.
Flame Ministries International
A canonical ministry of Catholic Evangelists in Australia.
Forum 18 News Service
A Christian free email and web initiative reporting on the religious freedomof people of all faiths, initially in the former Soviet republics and Eastern Europe.
Fr Ray Foundation, Pattaya, Thailand
Project for children with disabilities
Franciscan Centre, Ladywell
Franciscan Centre, Ladywell, Godalming, Surrey
Franciscan Publishing
Company based in Canterbury, England
Friends First
Christian introduction agency.
Friends of the Holy Land
Giving help to vulnerable Christians
Geraldine McMahon
Professional harpist and singer, based in St Albans.
Israeli Human Rights organisation
GK Chesterton Society
Society dedicated to the great Catholic writer GK Chesterton.
Green Jesuit
Launched ahead of Pope Francis' Encyclical on the Environment Green Jesuit is essential reading.
Greenbelt Festival
Christian Youth Festival.
Find God's Peace in Prayer Pray and Meditation, with millions around the world alongside Mark Wahlberg, Jim Caviezel, Fr Mike and Jonathan Roumie and others.
Harvington Hall
Historic Catholic house that survived the Reformation. It has seven 'priest holes'
Hayes and Finch
Catholic family firm - candles, altar wines, church furnishings.
HCPT - Pilgrim Trust - Head Office
Charity which takes young people with special needs to Lourdes.
Heaven's Road radio
UK-based Catholic Radio Station
Henson Pachuta and Kammerman
Immigration law firm based in Fairfax, Virginia, USA
Holy Trinity Monastery
Benedictine nuns of Holy Trinity Monastery.
Christian social network of prayer, where people can create or join communities related to spiritual propositions.
Human Writes
Organisation befriending prisoners on Death Row through becoming their penfriends.
Ian Linden
Ian Linden is a visiting Professor at St Mary's University, London. A past director of the Catholic Institute for International Relations, he was awarded a CMG for his work for human rights in 2000. He has also been an adviser on Europe and Justice and Peace issues to the Department of International Affairs of the Catholic Bishops Conference of England and Wales. His latest book was Global Catholicism published by Hurst in 2009.
Ince Benet Retreat Centre
New prayer / retreat centre near Liverpool -
Interfaith Centre for Sustainable Development
Based in Jerusalem
Irish Life and Lore
Irish oral history archive
Italy - Holiday flat to let near Cinque Terre
A cosy seaside resort apartment in Camogli, close to the Cinque Terre in picturesque northwestern Italy, is available for short term letting. The flat includes a living room, kitchen/diner, bathroom and two bedrooms that can accommodate up to four people. The flat is great for children (the second bedroom has two bunk beds). The apartment is situated right in the heart of Camogli with breathtaking views.
Jamberoo Abbey
Benedictine Community of Sisters in New South Wales, Australia
JC Journeys
Christian Pilgrimages
Jesuits in the United States.
Judy Dixey
Observant traveller - at home and abroad.
Kairos Centre, The
The Kairos Centre, Roehampton London, SW15 4J email:
Karen Hill Tribes Trust
Small charity with the Karen Hill Tribes in Thailand
Keiran Proffer
Catholic Author
Kids for Kids
Working with children in Darfur
Kylemore Abbey
Benedictine Community of Sisters in Ireland
L'Arche UK
Part of an international federation of faith communities living and working with people with learning difficulties.
LA Catholics
Website for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, California
Leadership Conference of Women Religious
Leadership Conference of Women Religious - Representing more than 1, 350 leaders of approximately 35,000 religious sisters. who minister across the United States.
Lena Khalaf Tuffaha
Palestinian poet
Liturgy Office
Guidlines for children's liturgy, directory of Masses for Children; leaflets and much more in the useful UK-based resource for catechists.
Liverpool Hope University
The first Catholic and Anglican university in the UK
Living Eucharist
Reflections with Fr Allen Morris
Living Room Requests
Musicians Patrician Hammond and Matt Redman will play and sing a song of your choice - recorded on Youtube. Makes a wonderful present. Read more about them here:
London Mining Network
London Mining Network works in support of communities around the world who are badly affected by mining - mining by companies based in, or financed from, London.
London Peace Pagoda
Many interfaith peace events take place here throughout the year.
London's 100 Best Churches
Interesting wide-ranging blog by Leigh Hatts, author of London's 100 best Churches.
Loreto Spirituality Centre
The Loreto Spirituality Centre is nestled next to the Great Orme in Llandudno, North Wales. We offer an ideal location for those of all religions and none seeking a quiet place for peace, rest and prayer away from the stresses of daily life."
Manchester University Student Chaplaincy
Manchester University Student Chaplaincy
Manresa Amigos
Blog of the Jesuits international novitiate in Birmingham.
Manx Catholic
Website for the Catholic Church on the Isle of Man
Marcus Diaconus - Deacon Mark
Marcus Diaconus - The thoughts and reflections of a husband, father and Permanent Deacon of the Archdiocese of Birmingham
Margaret Beaufort Institute of Theology
Based in Cambridge, the Margaret Beaufort Institute of Theology (MBIT) is an academic Roman Catholic institution which is committed to offering transformative experiences for all its students.
Mariavall Abbey
Benedictine Community of Sisters in Sweden
Marmaria Cafe - The Taste of Palestine
Maramia Café was the first of its kind in the UK offering Palestinian Mediterranean fast food. Maramia is the Arabic word for the herb 'sage', and stems from the name of the Virgin Mary, known in the Middle East as 'Maryam'.
Mary Ward Loreto
Dedicated to combatting human trafficking and working with victims.
Medaille Trust
Working with survivors of human trafficking, modern slavery
Mensajeros de la Paz
Charity started in Spain by Fr Angel Garcia offering meals, support and education.
Mercy Ships
Seaborn Christian medical charity.
Michael Haddad
Lebanese Christian climate activist and motivational speaker
Minster Abbey
Benedictine Sisters in Ramsgate, Kent
Minsteracres Retreat Centre
Minsteracres, run by the Passionists, is set in a beautiful 110 acre estate - in the land of the Northern Saints.
Mount Saint Bernard Abbey
Trappist abbey in Leicestershire
Catholic liturgical music publishers.
National Shrine of Saint Jude
Shrine based at Faversham in Kent. It attracts thousands of pilgrims, especially around the feast day of Saint Jude on 28 October.
New Ways
London-based charity which supports the work of the St Paul Missionary Community in Kenya, through funding education, health and water projects.
Nicholas-Maria Publishers
Catholic music publishers including (and Gate of Heaven, a collection of authentically Catholic hymnody.
Nuns on the Bus
US Religious Sisters campaign for social justice
NZ Catholic
New Zealand's national Catholic newspaper.
Open Bethlehem
Campaign to promote tourism and commerce in Bethlehem.
Opus Dei
Finding God in work and daily life.
Order of Malta
The oldest hospital order in the world.
A beautiful 13th century ex convent owned by the Venerable English College in Rome and consequently by the dioceses of England and Wales. Has been recently upgraded. Available for retreats/pilgrimages/school excursions/Leadership gatherings and are prices are very competitive.
Patricia Hammond
Mezzo soprano, based in London. See:
Pattaya Orphanage Trust
Children's centre in Thailand set up 30 years ago by Fr Ray Brennan.
Pauline Books & Media UK
Online bookshop run by the Pauline Sisters
Peace Brigades
International voluntary organisation
Pilgrimage People
Charity that organises visits to the Christian communities in the Holy Land.
Pluscarden Abbey
Benedictine Abbey in Elgin in Moray, Scotland.
Poor Clares Collettines
Poor Clares Collettines
Positive Catholics
A peer support network for Catholics living with HIV meets regularly in London, to share experiences, pray together and offer support. The group also arranges liturgy and weekends away to reflect together on the place of HIV in our journey in faith. All catholics living with HIV are welcome.
Pray As You Go
Daily prayers to download on your MP3 player or iPod - or listen to at your computer. Beautiful music, readings and reflections.
Pray As You Go
Jesuits in Britain. Pray As You Go is a daily, audio prayer app that helps you to encounter God wherever you are. This will help you to pray whenever you find the time, but particularly whilst travelling to and from work or study. Visit their website Download the app Get the app
Praying Each Day
Daily prayer and reflection site of the De La Salle Brothers in Great Britain.
Preda Foundation
Columban health and education centre in Philippines.
Presentation Brothers
Includes information about the bicentenary of the order.
Priests For Life
Organisation of priests which supports the pro-life movement with many activities including seminars, talks and meetings.
Priests For Scotland
Official site for considering applying to study for the priesthood in Scotland.
Prinknash Abbey
Benedictine Abbey in Gloucestershire
Purr and Fur - Church Cats
Blogs with stories about famous cats that have lived in churches
Site providing spiritual support for gay and lesbian Catholics in Scotland and England.
Radiant Light
Site of the London-based religious artist Elizabeth Wang.
Radio Maria
Worldwide 24 hour Catholic radio station
Radius Drama
Drama Society in Cambridge exploring religion and drama
RCJ - Cuban Catholic Radio
The first online Catholic radio station in Cuba
Redemptorists Publications
With you at every stage of Christian life
Rehab Recovery
Charity which offers resources for veterans affected by addiction and mental health issues
Retreat Association
Excellent guide to retreats in the UK.
Revd John Howard
Mission Partner in Jerusalem
Roehampton University
Formerly Roehampton Institute and one of the largest ecumenical Higher Education institutions in the UK, with extensive chaplaincy provision. Three of the colleges, Digby Stuart, Southlands and Whitelands are church foundations (RC, Methodist and C of E).
Root & Branch Synod
Documents and recordings from the Root & Branch Synod, Bristol - September 2021
Rossing Centre
Inter-religious centre based in Jerusalem
Saint Anthony of Padua
Devotional site and home of the Messenger of Saint Anthony magazine.
Saint Ethlburga's Centre for Peace and Reconciliation
Badly damaged by an IRA bomb in 1993, this beautiful medieval church is now an ecumenical centre promoting peace and justice.
Salesian Schools
See also: The national Salesian Schools - Battersea Salesian House and Signposts life-choice project
Santa Croce Pontifical University, Rome
Pontifical University specialising in Communication and Evangelisation
Sarah Panzetta Fertility awareness practitioner (Fertility UK)
Natural Fertility Awareness advice and training
Savio House
Salesian Youth Retreat Centre
CAFOD's sister agency in Scotland.
Scotland - Thomas Bagnall Centre
St Mary's Church House is available all year for self organised retreats and holidays. Situated in the scenic village of New Abbey, Dumfries, Scotland.
Servite Secular Institute
Information about the vocation of consecrated secularity, and the history and way of life of the Institute.
Share Action
A campaign by ordinary savers and institutional investors working together to ensure our communities and environment are safe and sustainable for all.
Shrine of Our Lady of Glastonbury
At the site of one of the oldest Catholic shrines to Our Lady in England.
Shrine of Our Lady of Gudalupe, Mexico City
The most visited Marian shrine in the world
Shrine of Our Lady of Hartley
At church of St Francis de Sales, in Hartley, Kent
Shrine of Our Lady of Knock
Ireland's national Marian shrine - official website.
Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes
Includes 24-hour camera at the Grotto, music, Masses and the Rosary - official website.
Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham
England's national shrine to Our Lady - official website.
Sion Community
A community of Catholic lay people, priests and religious committed to evangelisation.
Sister Helen Prejean
US nun. Leads campaign against death penalty. Her story is told in the film Dead Man Walking
Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions
Religious de Notre Dame de Missions
Sisters of Saint Andrew
A small retreat centre in South-East London between Lewisham and Blackheath, with Greenwich close by. It is a surprisingly quiet oasis of peace and stillness in the midst of urban life. We are pleased to welcome small groups of up to 25 day guests and accommodation for individuals or small groups looking for a place of retreat, silence and rest. 99 Belmont Hill, London, SE135DY
Society of Saint Gregory
UK charity which promotes music and liturgy in the Catholic Church.
Society of the Little Flower
Charity run by the Carmelites to promote devotion to St Theresa of Lisieux and continue her work.
Sojourners Magazine
Magazine of the Christian justice and peace organisation based in America.
Special Pilgrimages
A leading Christian Tour Operator, offering an unrivalled first class service with 25 years of experience. We offer tours and pilgrimages for individual travellers, and a tailor made service for groups from Great Britain and Ireland.
Special Projects in Christian Missionary Areas - charity established in 1967 - still run by volunteers.
Spirit Daily
A useful American site with news, reflections and international Catholic links.
Spirit Unbounded
Global network of Catholic reform and other Christian and Ecumenical groups that actively embrace diversity and work to include groups marginalised by the Church.
Society for the protection of the unborn child.
St Andrew Bobola, Hammersmith, London
Very active Polish parish. Masses are live-streamed on-line
St Augustine's Abbey, Chilworth
This Benedictine Monastery makes 'Sanctuary' cosmetic products.
St Augustine's Abbey, Chilworth
Benedictine Abbey in Surrey
St Augustine's Catholic Primary School, Cheshire
Innovation school which has just open an in-school forest
St Joan - Maid of Heaven
Site dedicated to Saint Joan.
St John Henry Newman Catholic Primary School
Newest school in East Anglia
St John of God Hospitaller Services
Project in London for trafficked workers
St Joseph's and Calry, Sligo, Republic of Ireland
Our parish is the youngest in the Diocese of Elphin.
St Joseph's Hospice
Catholic Hospice in Hackney, East London
St Mair and Our Lady Help of Christians
On the shores of Cardigan Bay, Wrexham, Wales
St Mary's University
Strawberry Hill, Twickenham
St Michael's Centre
Residential youth centre run by Aberdeen Diocese.
St Nicholas
New website dedicated to St Nicholas - with liturgical, school and play resources.
St Patrick's, Wapping
St Patrick's is also the home of St Patrick's artists' studios
St Paul's Bookshop
Leading Catholic bookshop in London.
St Philip Howard Parish, Cherry Hinton, Cambridge
Diocese of East Anglia
Stanbrook Abbey
(St Mary's) community of Benedictine nuns.
Stop the War
Coalition of UK-based peace organisations.
Student Christian Movement
One of the oldest ecumenical student groups in the UK, founded in the 19th century.
Super Nuns
Patreon platform where some of today's top graphic artists are exhibiting their comic strip style images to raise funds for sisters working to combat human trafficking. You can become a patron for as little as $2 a month.
Organisation which provides vehicles for the missions.
Święto Stworzenia
Polish Catholic site dealing with enviromental issues including Laudato Si and Querida Amazonia
How can we find happiness? What's the meaning of life? Is there a God? Does prayer make a difference? Sycamore is an informal course about the Christian faith and its relevance for life today. It gives you space to meet other people, share ideas, explore your beliefs, and think about questions that really matter.
Remarkable Christian community based in France.
Tangney Tours
Well-established UK-based Catholic tour and pilgrimage operator.
Teach Peace
New school resources for Peace Education.
East London Community Organisation.
The Carmelites
The official site of the Carmelites.
The Corrymeela Community
Centre for peace and reconciliation in Northern Ireland.
The Crossroads Initiative
Founded by Marcellino D'Ambrosio, offers catechetical and apologetics resources for RCIA, adult faith formation, and teens with a special emphasis on the Early Church Fathers, the sacrament of Confirmation, and the year of the Eucharist.
The Dawn Patrol
Blog written by Dawn Eden Goldstein SThD
The Kintbury Experience
Youth and Family retreat centre in Berkshire
The Louse Project
Community project run by the Daughters of Charity of St Vincent de Paul in Govanhill, Glasgow
The National Shrine of St Winefride
Ancient Catholic shrine in North Wales
The Passage
Project for homeless people in central London.
The Plough
Christian publishing house of the Bruderhof Community.
The Way
Jesuit spirituality journal which also has an online bookshop for materials to do with Ignatian spirituality and related topics.
Thinking Faith
Online journal of the Jesuits in Britain. Articles and reviews which will help you think about your faith and think, through your faith, about the world.
Thomas Bagnall Centre
Retreat and holiday house near Dumfries in Scotland.
Through the Roof
Organisation to make churches and church life more accessible to people with disabilities.
Magazine for growth and understanding edited by Rabbi Lerner.
Together For Humanity
Interfaith organisation promoting peace.
Overseas aid and development agency of the Catholic Church in Ireland
Truth and Beauty with John and Ashley Noronha
Rome-based couple offering custom-made tours, unforgettable journeys through Rome. Art. Culture, Food. Rome immersions.
Turvey Abbey
Benedictine community in Bedfordshire
Tyburn Convent
Includes a virtual tour of this spiritual oasis in the heart of London.
Ukrainian Catholic Catholic Cathedral
Church of the Holy Family
Unit to Light
Company that makes and distributes solar lights and battery chargers around the world.
Unite to Light blog
Blog for Unite to Light which makes and distributes solar lights and battery chargers around the world.
VietCatholic News
Site run by Catholics in Vietnam.
Virtual Catholic Youth
Online resource for young people
Vox Holloway
North London choir
War School
Documentary on the militarisation of schools
Weiner Holocaust Library
Comprehensive resources, including materials for schools
Wellsprings on the Web
A beautiful spiritual resource.
Where Peter Is - There is the Church
Written by faithful Catholics in defence of the Pope.
Wild Goose Publications
Publishing wing of the Iona Community.
Wintershall Estate
Based in Surrey. Home of the Life of Christ, Trafalgar Square Passion Play, Nativity and other wonderful plays.
Wistaston Hall Retreat Centre
Oblate Retreat Centre
Women Priests Internet Library
Scholarly collection of documents exploring the role of women in the church.
Worth Abbey
Benedictine Community
Zambia Dreaming
Sue Golden working as a volunteer at the Mother of Mercy Hospice, Zambia. She's volunteering as a Counsellor for the Hospice - a posting that was coordinated by Jesuit Missions Volunteering in Wimbledon.
Zimbabwe - Cottages to let in Avondale, Harare
Avondale, Harare. Cottages to let at end of quiet close in residential suburb, includes garage. Solar heated water, shower and toilet facilities. Good water, electricity and wifi. Beautiful grounds. Ideal for a long winter let. Escape winter in the northern hemisphere and enjoy the sunshine.
Zimbabwe Airfreight
Are you looking to send a parcel to Zimbabwe? Based in Sough, MAPS Global Cargo UK offer a speedy and reliable service, delivering parcels from the UK directly to Zimbabwe. Door to door delivery to Harare and other major towns. Prices are very reasonable. ICN recommends. For more information call Henry Mapeta on 07734 267 046 (mobile and WhatsApp)