Celebration for Feast of St Philip Neri at home of Cardinal Newman
Abbot Cuthbert Johnson OSB was the principal celebrant and preacher at a sung High Mass in Latin at Cardinal Newman's Oratory in Birmingham to celebrate the Feast of St Philip Neri, Founder of the Congregation of the Oratory, on Monday. Among the 10 concelebrants was Fr Paul Chavasse Provost of the Oratory, Postulator of the Cause for the Beatification, of the Venerable John Henry Cardinal Newman, an illustrious son of St Philip Neri, who joined and established the Congregation of the Oratory in England during 1848. In a challenging and thought-provoking homily Abbot Johnson, who has recently been appointed Chaplain to the Benedictine Nuns of Oulton Abbey in Staffordshire, said: "In our days where many false ideologies flourish under the banner of Liberalism, John Henry Newman is a witness to Tradition, Faithfulness and Loyalty which are at the root of true freedom and progress." Abbot Johnson said that the gospel of the Beatitudes could be described as "the Charter" for those who are seeking perfection. He reminded the congregation that: "The Saints are those who put that teaching into practice to a heroic degree during their life time. These holy servants of God are set before us not only as an example but also as an encouragement because what was accomplished in them through divine grace can equally be wrought in us." He stressed: "To imitate the Saints, however, requires maturity and character, courage and strength. Devotion to the Saints means not only honouring their memory but imitating their example." Abbot Cuthbert said: "In these days, when we see the sufferings of the peoples of China and Myanmar, and experience difficulties closer to home, Saint Philip Neri reminds us that our faith brings us a deep and abiding joy that no one can take from us. He always manifested joy, kindness and good humour even in times of trial and tribulation." He emphasised: "Today the Church needs something of the spirit of Saint Philip, something of his enthusiasm for the things of God." Abbot Cuthbert concluded: "Let this celebration help us to look to where Christ is in glory with St Philip Neri and all the Saints. Let us renew our faith, hope and love as we seek to live the Beatitudes and so by sharing in patience in the sufferings of Christ we may come to share the kingdom that he has promised us." The Oratory Choir under the direction of Mr Nicholas Johnson sang the Mass in D by Anton Dvorak. According to the custom of the Oratory great care was taken in the external adornment of the church and its surrounds. The flowers and the numerous candles burning brightly on the High Altar and the sanctuary, side altars, and especially the chapel of St Philip Neri, all contributed to the beauty of what was a deeply spiritual and memorable occasion. In 1990 Cardinal Newman's dream of establishing an Oratory in Oxford was finally realised when three members of the Birmingham community took responsibility for St Aloysius Church in Woodstock Road. The Oxford Oratory also celebrated the Feast of St Philip Neri with a special sung Mass at 6pm. The Provost, Fr Robert Byrne, was the principle celebrant. The Fathers of the Birmingham Oratory regret to announce that for the time being they are not able to accept group bookings for tours of Cardinal Newman's Room and Library. The increasing frailty of many of the contents means that steps have to be taken to prevent further deterioration. In view of Cardinal Newman's impending Beatification this has now become a priority. To avoid disappointing those groups already booked in for visits, these will take place as arranged. The Fathers will consider requests from individuals.