Poor Servants of the Mother of God elect new leadership team
At the 18th General chapter of the Poor Servants of the Mother of God held in Roehampton, London the Sisters elected a new leadership team.
Sister Mary Whelan has been elected as the new Superior General. Sr Mary who originates from Moone, Co Kildare, Ireland, has recently been ministering in St Joseph's family centre in Warrington. She brings to the position wide knowledge in the fields of medicine and finance as well as great spiritual and pastoral experience.
She will be ably assisted by three council members: Sr Madeleine Ryan who has worked for the past fifteen years in Kenya as Formation Directress. Prior to that Sr Madeleine worked as a primary school teacher in Dublin and Carrigtwohill, Co Cork. Sister Mary Holmes worked in the medical field in England, for many years, and then transferred her skills to Kenya where she ran a local health centre. More recently, in Dublin, Mary worked with persons recovering from drug addiction in an inner city collaborative project. Sister Kathleen Coleman worked for many years as a primary school teacher in Edenmore, Dublin and in Carrigtwohill, Co. Cork and spent ten years in their mission in Maracaibo, Venezuela.
All four are actively involved in ministry and as a consequence, they will take up their new leadership roles at the beginning of November.
Our prayers and good wishes are with them.