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Society of Jesus welcomes two new priests

Timothy Byron SJ and Roger Dawson SJ were ordained priests on Saturday by Most Rev Kevin McDonald, Archbishop of Southwark. In his homily, the Archbishop presented his vision of priesthood - with emphasis on the celebration of the Eucharist, on the proclamation of the Word of God and on how a priest needs to be prepared to let go 'of what is familiar, of what we're used to, and being ready to engage with what is new and may well be unchosen' in order to be at the service of the Lord and of his people. Friends and relatives from the UK and overseas packed into Sacred Heart Church in Wimbledon, South West London, to hear the Archbishop welcome the two new priests in the Society of Jesus and to witness their ordinations. Roger Dawson was a soldier in the Royal Green Jackets, before studying psychology in Durham. After working in Adult Mental Health in the NHS and qualifying as a psychotherapist, he entered the Society of Jesus in 1996. As part of his formation, Roger has taught at Wimbledon College, studied in Paris, served as a deacon in Brixton and worked at the Surgery in the Cardinal Hume Centre in central London. In September, he will take up the post of assistant chaplain at the Catholic Chaplaincy at Oxford University. Tim Byron comes from Merseyside and went to university in Edinburgh, where his interest in social justice grew. He worked for a time in Peru and Ecuador where he encountered the Jesuits and decided to join them, which he did in 1998. Since then he has worked with gypsies and refugee communities, in prisons and parishes, and at Wimbledon College where he served as Chaplain. Tim has been appointed chaplain at St Ignatius College in Enfield from September. Source: Jesuits Communications Office


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