Operation Noah: parish resources on climate change
Operation Noah, the churches' ecumenical campaign on climate change, has launched a short video for church groups highlighting the dangers from climate change to the global Earth community, and showing how Christians can be signs of hope. The video, entitled Operation Noah: Creating a Climate of Justice, received its first showing at the 27th Annual National Justice and Peace Conference in Swanwick last month. This year's conference placed climate change at the heart of Christian concerns for justice and peace. Over 200 delegates saw how the adverse effects of climate change - loss of biodiversity, food insecurity, ill health, reduced water availability - are damaging entire communities, especially in the Global South. But the video does not just show the adverse effects of climate change. It also shows us how we can all be part of the solution and signs of hope by taking three simple actions. Firstly, by signing the Climate Covenant which gives world leaders a mandate to avert further dangerous climate change; secondly, by taking action ourselves to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, by switching to a renewable source of domestic energy; and thirdly, by spreading the word. Featured on the video are Catholic theologian Mary Grey, Anglican Bishop John Oliver, and Sir John Houghton, one of the world's foremost climatologists. Operation Noah is a project of the Environmental Issues Network of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland and Christian Ecology Link. For more details see: www.christian-ecology.org.uk/noah To obtain a free copy of the video and study pack, phone 0845 223 5399 or email info@christian-ecology.org.uk