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Beckham nativity scene removed from Madame Tussauds

The controversial nativity scene at Madame Tussauds waxworks in London, depicting Victoria and David Beckham as Mary and Joseph, has been removed, after it met with widespread criticism and was attacked by a visitor on Sunday. Other figures in the scene portrayed Kylie Minogue as an angel, Tony Blair, the Duke of Edinburgh and President George Bush as the three Wise Men; and actors Samuel Jackson, Hugh Grant and comedian Graham Norton as the Shepherds. Speaking on the Today Programme on Saturday, Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor called the tableaux "disrespectful". He said: "To have a very special part of Christianity depicted in this way and its most precious symbol, which is the coming of God into the world in Jesus Christ, seems to me to be not just disrespectful to Christians, it is also disrespectful to the heritage of Britain and also does damage to the culture of this country." The celebrities were voted for their roles by 300 people who visited the attraction in October.


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