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Regular events


Legion of Mary Daily Rosary
Held every day on Zoom starts at 8.30pm.
Zoom meeting ID: 811 4083 3503 / Password: 876433
This event is daily and is open to all. Everyone is welcome.

London: Middle East Shrine
in Farm Street Church, Mayfair.
Open every day to pray for peace in the region and the world. The church is open from 7.15am - 7pm. Masses daily on weekdays 8am, 1.05pm, 6pm. Adoration 12:30 - 1pm. Confessions 12:30pm - 1pm & 10 minutes before every Mass.


First Sundays 7pm
London: Taize at St Martin in the Fields, Trafalgar Square, WC2N 4JJ
Sacred Space - A reflective service using chants from the Taizé community.

1st Sunday of the month 7pm
London:Regular Taizé Prayer in the Radnor Hall at Wesley's Chapel Services & Recitals
Wesley's Chapel & Leysian Mission

Third Sundays 6pm;
London: Taize at St James's Piccadilly, 197 Piccadilly, W1J 9LL;
For more information see:

Third Sunday of each month 5.15-6.15pm
London: Young Adult Faith Sharing Group
Mount Street Jesuit Centre, 114 Mount Street, W1K 3AH 020-7495-1673
This new monthly faith sharing group is offered as a response to some young adults who said they would be interested in learning more about their faith.

Last Sunday of the Month 3pm
London: Uganda Martyrs Catholic Community in UK (UMCC)
We celebrate Mass every last Sunday of the month at Our Lady Help of Christians, Kentish Town, NW5 2XT at 3pm followed by a social gathering and reception in the hall. We celebrate the gift of the Uganda Martyrs as we enhance our faith, families and friendship. Our motto: "In Faith We Grow". Website:
Email: Phone: (+44) 07877 030 783

Every Sunday of the month 7pm
London: Mount Street Jesuit Centre Young Adult Ministry Mass (with an Ignatian Twist)

For people in their 20s and 30s, every Sunday, 7pm at Farm Street Church
(entrance through Mount Street). For more details email See:

Sundays after 6pm Mass
Bristol: TNT Clifton

We are a group of young Roman Catholics, roughly in the twenties to thirties age range, from the diocese of Clifton, based at Clifton Cathedral, Bristol. We meet socially for drinks at Channings very near Clifton Cathedral after the 6pm Mass on Sundays and for other events, eg walks, the cinema, etc.
You can join us by emailing or just meet us as we gather at the back of the Cathedral on Sundays after Mass to walk over to Channings - you won't miss us!

Ampleforth - Day of Renewal
First Sunday of the month starts 11am
At Ampleforth Abbey near York. Prayer and praise. Speakers. Shared groups. Finishing with Mass and prayers for healing at 4pm. Call: 01274 483264 for more information.

London: Tyburn Benedictines monastic afternoon
First Sunday of the month 2pm-5pm
Martyr's Crypt, Tyburn Convent, Bayswater Road, near Marble Arch. Talk, afternoon tea, slides on the vocation of the sisters, Vespers.

London: Westminster Cathedral young adults
Sunday evenings
Young Adults meet socially after the 5.30 and 7.00pm Masses on Sundays. Location - the Cardinal Pub, Francis Street.

London: Taize at St James, Piccadilly
Every third Sunday 4.30 for 5pm
Call: 0207 503 5128 for more information

London: Latin Mass Society
Low Mass 9.30am, St James's, Spanish Place, W1
Low Mass 9am, High Altar, the Oratory, Brompton Rd, SW7
Sung Mass 10.45am, St Bede Thornton Rd, SW12
Low Mass 6pm, St Thomas Aquinas, Ham Common, TW3

London: Sung Gospel Mass with Soul Sanctuary Gospel Choir
Last Sundays, 6.15pm until 7.15pm
SSGC provides music for the last evening Mass at Farm Street Church in Mayfair on the last Sunday of each month. SSGC hopes to bring the best of contemporary Gospel music to Roman Catholic liturgy in a Mass which is at once prayerful and joyful. Priority given to congregational singing of the Mass parts and psalm. All in the context of one of London's most beautiful churches, visually and acoustically.

SSGC was founded in 2005. At full strength it has 25 singers, and it is directed by Marie Benton (see Choir with No Name). It exists to bring contemporary genres into the Catholic Church for the benefit of existing and often younger churchgoers who want to praise God in that way, and to provide a familiar point of contact for the dechurched and unchurched to return to the fold. For further details please All welcome of course.


Mondays 6.30pm
London: Prayer in the City -drop in sessions led by a trained Prayer Guide
Mount Street Jesuit Centre, 114, Mount Street. W1K 3AH
Come and pause for about 30mins to join others in prayer. The sessions include developing stillness and
awareness and praying reflectively and imaginatively with Scripture, along with
the opportunity to share your reflections if desired. You are welcome to come
as and when you can.

London: Mothers Prayers at St Dominic's Priory, Haverstock Hill
every Monday 2.30 - 3.30pm
In the Lourdes Chapel. All are welcome.

London: Latin Mass Society
Sung Mass, 6.30 pm Corpus Christi, Maiden Lane, WC2
Low Mass 8am the Oratory, Brompton Road

Monday -Thursday 1-1.30pm
Meditation for All at the The Meditatio Centre, St Marks, Myddelton Square, London EC1R 1XX and ONLINE on Wednesdays
A day of meditation and exploration of the practice of meditation.
Read more about the Meditatio Centre:


Tuesdays 7pm
St John of the Cross monthly study group

Every Thursday 12 -12.25
London: Rosary on The Wharf
in The Prayer Room
2 Churchill Place, E14
All are invited to a time of silence and prayer

Tuesday 1.30am-2pm:
London: Midday Meditation
At Mount Street Jesuit Centre, 114 Mount Street, W1K 3AH 020-7495-1673
30 minutes of prayerful silence, introduced with a short reading from scripture or poetry.

First Tuesday of the month 2-4pm:
London: Turn Aside - A Gentle & Reflective Space
At Mount Street Jesuit Centre, 114 Mount Street, W1K 3AH 020-7495-1673
These retreat afternoons offer a quiet, prayerful space for refreshment and time aside from the rush and busyness of life. They include times of guided prayer as well as opportunities for silence and individual reflection.

Birmingham: Upper Room
Every second Tuesday of the month (except August)
Mass for people 18 plus, with scripture share and social afterwards at local pub.7.30pm, St Chad's Cathedral Birmingham. Call Joe Farmer on: 01675 467980 for details.

London: Logos - Praying with the Word
Tuesdays 6.45pm
Logos' - praying with the Word in the chapel at Newman House, 111 Gower st. For more info' contact 0207 7313367

London: prayers for London at the Shrine of Our Lady of Willesden
Tuesdays 7.30pm
Organised by the Guild of Our Lady of Willesde, Nicholl Road, London NW10 9AX

London: Latin Mass Society
Low Mass 8am the Oratory, Brompton Road

Logos Weekly Prayer for Young People
Tuesdays 6.45pm
At Newman House London University Catholic Chaplaincy, 111 Gower Street. W1 Contact: 0207731367

London: Lourdes Pilgrimage reunion
First Tuesdays 6.35pm
Mass in Westminster Cathedral crypt followed by social in the Cardinal. Anyone who has been to Lourdes or is interested in coming is most welcome. For more information on the pilgrimage call Gerald Daly on 020 7798 9173.


Wednesday between 6-7pm
Women in Black
At the Edith Cavell Statue, St Martin's Place, London WC2 .

Wednesdays 6.30pm
Prayer in the City -drop in sessions led by a trained Prayer Guide
Mount Street Jesuit Centre, 114, Mount Street. W1K 3AH
Come and pause for about 30mins to join others in prayer. The sessions include developing stillness and
awareness and praying reflectively and imaginatively with Scripture, along with
the opportunity to share your reflections if desired. You are welcome to come
as and when you can.

Second Wednesday of each month 7-9pm
London: Poetry Appreciation Group
Mount Street Jesuit Centre, 114, Mount Street, W1K 3AH 020-7495-1673
For anyone who has an interest in poetry and would like an opportunity to reflect upon the impact of poetry on them as individuals, using specific poems as a reference point. Bring along a poem that you would like to share. All welcome to come whenever you can.

London: Apostolate of Saint Joseph
1st Wednesdays of the month 7-9pm
At Mary Immaculate and St Gregory's Catholic Church, 82 Union Street, Barnet EN5 4HZ. Come and pray for families, the sick, the dying, the Church universal. Rosary, Adoration, Confession, Benediction, Masss (at 8pm). Healing prayers, refreshments.

Liverpool: Medjugorje Group
Wednesdays, 7-20pm, Liverpool
Liverpool Medjugorje Group meets each Wednesday at the Shamrock Hotel, Lime Street, Liverpool. All welcome, especially those who have not been to Medjugorje to this School of Mary. Telephone 0151 263 4768.

Northampton - Youth 2000 prayer group
Wednesdays, 8.30pm
At the Daughters of the Holy Spirit Convent - call 01604 519078 for details

London - Youth 2000 prayer group
Wednesdays, 7.30pm
Corpus Christi church, Maiden Lane, Covent Garden

London: Latin Mass Society
Low Mass 8am the Oratory, Brompton Road

London: Wednesdays on the Wall (WOTW)
First Wednesday of the month 6pm
At All Hallows on the Wall, 83 London Wall, London EC2M 5ND. We will follow our usual pattern, which is to have a short service of prayer and reflection at 6pm, then a break with coffee at 6.45pm, followed by an hour of discussion from 7pm,

Wednesdays 11am / 12.30 pm
London: Open House - a space to learn about meditation
The Meditatio Centre, St Marks, Myddelton Square, London EC1R 1XX. The nearest tube is Angel and we are a 15 minute walk away from Kings Cross/St Pancras.

2nd Wednesday of the month 6.15 pm / 7.15 pm
London: Meditation in a Time of Loss
The Meditatio Centre, St Marks, Myddelton Square, London EC1R 1XX. The nearest tube is Angel and we are a 15 minute walk away from Kings Cross/St Pancras.


2nd Thursday of the month 7-8.30pm:
London: Book Club
At Mount Street Jesuit Centre, 114 Mount Street, W1K 3AH 020-7495-1673
This is a book club with a slight difference. Yes, we will read books and meet monthly to share our thoughts and reflections. And yes we will all have a hand in choosing the books but the main focus will be spiritual reading that has significantly impacted on our lives. It will be shared confidentially and be framed with brief prayer.

Thursdays 7pm / 9pm
London: Living with the Mystics Study Group (monthly)
Meditation The Meditatio Centre, St Marks, Myddelton Square, London EC1R 1XX. The nearest tube is Angel and we are a 15 minute walk away from Kings Cross/St Pancras.

London: Soul Food
Catholic charismatic prayer group for young adults meets from 7 to 9pm at St Charles Borromeo, Ogle Street, W1W 6HS, for worship, teaching and faith sharing.

London: Jesus Christ the Fullness of Life - JCFL
First Thursdays of the month
Young adults from all Christian denominations come together to pray and share a meal in the heart of London. The evening includes prayer vigil; singing and Agape - opportunity to share a meal with other young adult Christians. Call: 0794 0375634 for more information.

London: Latin Mass Society
Low Mass 8am the Oratory, Brompton Road

Southwark: Book of Common Prayer Evensong and Mass
In the Church of the Most Precious Blood The Church of the Most Precious Blood, O'Meara Street, SE1 1TA
All Ordinariate members and people who are interested in the Ordinariate from the London area are invited to attend and to worship together and to socialise afterwards. The Church is ideally located for commuters making their way to Waterloo, or London Bridge, before catching the train home. Hosted by the London (South) Group.

First Thursday of each month 11.30am-1pm
London: Bereavement and Loss Group
Mount Street Jesuit Centre, 114, Mount Street, W1K 3AH 020-7495-1673
Welcoming and understanding facilitated support group. Just come along.

Thursdays 7-8.15pm
Weekly Ignatian Prayer
Mount Street Jesuit Centre, 114, Mount Street, W1K 3AH 020-7495-1673
Guided prayer with stillness, awareness, reflection, silence and sharing. All welcome to come whenever you can.


Fridays in Lent 2021 7pm
Compass - discerning vocation online

First Friday of each month
London: All-night Prayer Vigil at Shrine of Our Lady of Willesden

It starts after the 7pm Mass and ends at 10am on Saturday. The time is centred around prayer in front of the Blessed Sacrament and will include the Rosary at various points and other prayers. Our Lady of Willesden Church is at 1 Nicoll Road, London N10 9AX. For further information and to register, email: or tel: 0208 965 4935

3rd Friday of each month - 7-8.15pm
London: LGBT Catholic Prayer Group
n Parlour 2 at 114, Mount Street, London W1K 3AH (nearest tube Bond St or Green Park).
Tea and coffee will be available from 6.30 pm. The prayer group will be led by David Hothersall, a trained prayer guide, and include a Gospel contemplation, quiet prayer and an opportunity to share in a safe and welcoming environment. No experience required. An ideal way to end the week, everybody welcome! Please email for further information or to let us know you will be coming. We look forward to seeing you.

Last Friday of the month: 6.30-7.30pm
London: Rosary group to pray for those who are persecuted for exposing ther truth
about corruption, crimes against humanity or for their political ideas, faith or sex orientation.
At London Catholic Worker House,
Giuseppe Conlon Hall, 49 Mattison Rd. Harringay, London N4 1BG
Closest tube station Manor House, buses 29, 141, 34

London: Prayers for the poor
Last Fridays 1.45-2.15pm
At St Mary Moorfields, 4 Eldon Street, EC2
Silent prayer for the poor generally and for those individuals who have stepped out in faith to work for the poor. We welcome any who would like to join us or who would like to pray with us at home or at work. Please contact us at to receive our prayer letter. A letter can be sent by mail if preferred.

London: Divine Mercy Prayers and Mass
First Fridays 2.30-4.30pm
At the Church of Our Lady, Mother of the Church, 2 Windsor Road, Ealing. This monthly gathering takes place on first Fridays. All are welcome.

St Albans
Fridays, 12 noon
Catholic Mass is celebrated every week at St Alban's Abbey, one of the oldest Christian churches in England.

London: Latin Mass Society
First Fridays

Low Mass at 6pm St John the Baptist Church, King Edward's Rd Hackney E9
Sung Low Mass 6pm, St Etheldreda, Ely Place, EC1
Sung Mass 6.30pm, St Mary Magdalen, East Hill, SW18
Sung Mass 7.30pm, Our Lady, Crown Rise, Garston, Watford
Every 2nd Fri Low Mass 6.30pm, Corpus Christi, Maiden Lane, WC2

Newcastle upon Tyne - prayers for peace
After Mass every Friday
Prayers for peace have been said after Mass every Friday since 11 September by approximately 30 people at St Mary's parish, Forest Hall, Newcastle. The prayers have been adapted to take account of changing events.

Sheffield: peace prayers at St Marie's Catholic Cathedral
Fridays, 12 noon
Bishop John Rawsthorne, holds a "Time of Prayer for Peace in the Middle East" every week Friday at St Marie's Cathedral in Sheffield City Centre.

London: Women's vocation group meetings
Fridays, 7pm (arrivals from 6.30pm), Hinsley Room, Westminster Cathedral
Contact: VGW, c/o Cathedral Clergy House, 42 Francis Street, London, SW1P 1QW, or call: Cathy: 0421 095386, Camilla: 07931 795769, Sian: 07880 560799.

London: Westminster Cathedral Charismatic prayer group
Fridays 7.30pm
Prayer, praise and teaching. First Friday is a healing Mass. Call 0208 748 2632 for information

London: Latin Mass Society
Low Mass 8am the Oratory, Brompton Road

London: Association of Divorced and Separated Catholics
Third Friday of the month
Westminster Cathedral group meets on the 3rd Friday of the month. All divorced and separated Catholics, whatever their situation, are welcome. Call Frank or Christine on: 020 8422 1591.

Aylesbury: Men's group
Last Friday of the month 7.30-9.30pm
At St Clare church, Aylesbury, Bucks. For more information e-mail:


Saturdays 2 to 5pm
London: Vigil to protest against gross violations of human rights in Zimbabwe
Outside Zimbabwe Embassy, 429 Strand, London
For more information see:

Last Saturday of the month 7.30pm
London: Taizé Prayer in Notre Dame de France
A time of gentle prayer with chants, scripture and silence, All welcome! Address: 5 Leicester Place, London WC2H 7BX

Second Saturday of each month 11am-4pm
London: Ignatian Retreat Day
Mount Street Jesuit Centre, 114 Mount Street, W1K 3AH 020-7495-1673
These are retreat days of prayer run in an Ignatian way, in which there is talk, time for personal prayer and the opportunity to listen to each other.

London: Second Saturday of each month (except August) from 11am-4.30pm
Ignatian Prayer Days
Mount Street Jesuit Centre, 114, Mount Street, W1K 3AH
Days of prayer run in an Ignatian way, in which there is a talk, time for personal
prayer, opportunities to listen to one another, ending with the Mass of the Sunday.
There is no need to book, just come along.

London: weekly protest for democracy and end to human rights abuses in Swaziland
10 am - 1 pm
Kingdom of Swaziland High Commission, 20 Buckingham Gate, London SW1E 6LB
Nearest Tube: St. James Park. Further information: Thobile 07746 552 597, Vincent 07743 662 046

Aylesford Friary - All Night Vigils
Second Saturdays 10pm - 6am
All night vigils take place at Aylesford Friary in Kent on first Saturdays from May - October. For travel arrangements from London call: Mrs Tugadi on: 0207 352 4478 or Miss Ogbeni on 07914 374 604.

London: Latin Mass Society
Second Saturdays 4.30pm
Low Mass, Side Chapel, Westminster Cathedral

London: Zimbabwe peace vigil
Saturdays 12noon - 6pm
The Vigil, outside the Zimbabwe Embassy, London is a protest against gross violations of human rights by the current regime in Zimbabwe. The Vigil will continue until internationally-monitored, free and fair elections are held in Zimbabwe. For more information see:

London: Taize at Notre Dame Church, Leicester Square
Saturdays 7.15pm
For more information call: 0207 437 9363

London: Ceilidgh at Camden Irish Centre
Saturdays 8-11.30pm
At Camden Irish Centre, Murray Street NW1. All ages and nationalities welcome. Dance tuition given. There is a licenced bar at this weekly event. Call: 0207 272 5815 for more information.

London: Latin Mass Society
Low Mass 12.15 St Wilfrid's Chapel, the Oratory, Brompton Road


Sheffield: peace prayers at Anglican Cathedral
Monday - Fridays, 12 noon
A Prayer Service for Peace every weekday, Monday to Saturday at 12 noon.

London: Vocations group for men
Evening meetings for discussion and prayer. Guest speakers. St Mary Moorfields, Eldon St, London EC2. For details contact: Paul Hammond, tel: 020 7249 6207, email:

Birmingham Diocese: Music Makers
Music writing/performing/recording sessions at venues around the diocese, for secondary school age students. Call: Aiden Pepper on 01675 430 464; or e-mail: for details.

London: Positive Catholics
A peer support network for Catholics living with HIV meets regularly to in London, to share experiences, pray together and offer support. The group also arranges liturgy and weekends away to reflect together on the place of HIV in our journey in faith. All Catholics living with HIV are welcome. For further details go to the webpage at or email the group at or telephone 07505608655.

Weekdays 1pm / 1.30pm
London: Meditation All welcome
The Meditatio Centre, St Marks, Myddelton Square, London EC1R 1XX. The nearest tube is Angel and we are a 15 minute walk away from Kings Cross/St Pancras.

London: Weekday Masses in Docklands

London: Prayer Group at Canary Wharf
At 2 Churchill Place E14. For details see:


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