Carmelites honour Sr Teresa Clements DMJ
The affiliation to the Carmelite Order of Sr Teresa Clements dmj was celebrated at a special Eucharist on Friday, 9 January.
The affiliation was granted by the Prior General of the Carmelite Order in recognition of Teresa's outstanding contribution to the life of the Order in Britain and in Ireland over a number of years.
A former President of COR, Provincial Superior and then member of the General Council of her Congregation, Teresa is now a member of the Daughters of Mary and Joseph community in West Wickham, Kent.
The practise of formal affiliation to the Order dates back to the 15th Century and the rite of affiliation is essentially that found in the Constitutions of Blessed John Soreth dated 1462. Affiliation is granted only rarely and betokens a special relationship between the individual and the Order - it is the highest honour which the Carmelite Order can bestow.
The affiliation of Sr Teresa was requested jointly by the British and the Irish Provinces of Carmelites. Along with members of Teresa's community and her family and friends the General Superior and the Provincial Superior of the Daughters of Mary and Joseph, the Prior Provincial and members of the British Province of Carmelites and Fr Chris O'Donnell representing the Irish Province of Carmelites were present.