Services mark anniversary of Potters Bar rail crash
Interchurch services to mark the first anniversary of the Potters Bar rail tragedy take place tomorrow. Relatives and friends of the seven people who died will attend a private service at 12.56 (the time of the tragedy) to bless a Memorial Garden. During this time there will be no trains through the station, and road traffic in the immediate vicinity will come to a standstill. The service will be introduced by the Archdeacon of Hertford, the Ven Trevor Jones, and be followed by a time of silence at 12.56pm. This will be followed by a prayer, led by Fr Tim O'Connor, Priest at Our Lady of Assumption Roman Catholic church, where Agnes Quinlivan, who died in the tragedy, was an active member. A specially-commissioned sculpture will then be unveiled, followed by the dedication of the Memorial Garden by the Rt Revd Robin Smith, Assistant Bishop of St Albans. A public commemoration service will be held at Mount Grace School, Church Road, Potters Bar at 2.30pm. A key element of the service will be the lighting of ten candles. Seven will be lit in memory of those who died, with a further three candles being lit for the injured, the rescue services and the local community. Students from the school will bring to the service a 'Tree of Life' as their personal tribute. The school grounds are home to a number of rare trees and the students' chosen tree will be subsequently planted at an appropriate location in the grounds as their permanent memorial.