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New Provincial for Daughters of Charity

A new Provincial for the British Province of the Daughters of Charity, Sr Sarah King-Turner, was installed by Sr Margaret Barrett, General Councillor, at Provincial House, Mill Hill, London. last Thursday One hundred and seventy sisters gathered in the chapel for the special occasion which marked a new beginning and a new chapter in the life of the Province. The installation took place in the context of the Eucharist which was presided over by Fr Fergus Kelly CM. The Province music group "came up trumps" and their accompaniment helped us all to make it a prayerful and truly joyful celebration. The Gospel of the day was the story of Mary's visit to her cousin, Elizabeth and this was movingly re-enacted for us by Sisters Kathleen Hogg and Margaret Brady in a liturgical dance. At the beginning of the Eucharist we processed into the chapel, behind Sisters Sarah and Margaret, carrying the Province Area Banners used at our recent Provincial Assembly. At the end of the liturgy Sarah and Margaret led us in procession once more - this time to the dinning room - singing that wonderful song based on Zephaniah. "Dancing with God." It was a truly memorable day and we wish Sarah all God's Blessings and the Wisdom of the Spirit as she takes up her leadership role among us. For more news from the Daughters of Charity - visit their website at:


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