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The Parkinson's Prayer

Parkinson's Awareness Week begins on April 4. A number of events will be taking place to raise awareness of the disease and the support available to patients and their families.

The following special prayer has been written this year to be read out in churches and other places of worship.

Almighty God: who, in the person of the son Jesus, healed the man 'sick of the palsy,' look with favour on thy servants afflicted with Parkinsonism and grant them tranquillity and relief from their sufferings.

Lord Jesus, bless the carers, both family and professional, that their stock of understanding, patience, affection and tender loving care may be constantly replenished and enlarged.

May the Holy Spirit guide the hands and minds of researchers in their quest for the cause and cure of Parkinson's Disease, and may the Parkinson Disease Society be continually inspired with the unity of purpose in carrying out its mission to those who suffer.

by Captain Gordon Lancaster

Parkinson's Disease Society of the United Kingdom 215 Vauxhall Bridge Road London SW1V 1EJ Telephone: 020 7932 1335 Fax: 020 7630 8745


Pope's Worldwide Prayer Network

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