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Prayers, Prayer Requests

We add petitions as they come in. If you would like a request to be added to this list please send a message to our Contact page.

The Pope Video: February 2025 - For vocations to the priesthood and religious life:

Remember Me Memorial

St Paul's Cathedral is hosting the Remember Me Memorial - with pictures and messages of loved ones who have died in the UK from Covid-19. See:

Jonathan Roumie from The Chosen prays the Our Father in Aramaic - the language Jesus spoke:

Hear the Our Father and Hail Mary in over 20 languages:

O Prince of Peace,

Once more we hear the guns of war,
Once more we see the faces
Of frightened children.
We pray for the people of Ukraine,
That they may be granted peace;
We pray for the people of Russia,
That they may demand peace;
We pray for our country,
That we may be a positive part
Of peace making in this world.
O Prince of Peace,
Lead us from this dark time
To a deeper understanding
Of the global human family,
So all may break bread together
In the secure embrace of peace.

Action Prayer - with JudyAnn Masters 15 February 2025

Our readings this week refer to trusting the Lord that what has been promised, eternal life, will indeed be ours.

'Rejoice when that day comes...your reward will be great in heaven.' The readings review the desired rewards and the challenges we may experience before receiving eternal life. The gospel is a glimpse of the Beatitudes. Today, our desires and challenges haven't changed much since the time of Christ, both may have modern faces. What may be a challenge to one group might look like a desired reward to another group. Mix in our gift of choice and free will, it's a minefield. How do we trust our choices?

The Action Prayer is to have a heart to heart with Christ. Remembering that a relationship is a two way street, so we need to also listen. Perhaps ask what/where is the challenge you need to particularly address at this time. The challenge will probably make us feel uncomfortable--we are leaving a comfort zone. Listen and trust the love of Christ's promise


Peace in Gaza, West Bank, Israel, Sudan, Ukraine, Russia, Yemen, Myanmar, Nigeria, DR Congo, Lebanon.

For the people of Gaza and Lebanon suffering more brutal attacks and famine. People on West Bank suffering more and more attacks, isolation, unemployment.


Pope Francis who is being treated for pneumonia.

Gerry who is having surgery on his back today.

Jeanne RIP Much loved wife, mother, sister.

Harvey Willgoose, RIP, his family and friends.

Margaret who undergoing tests in hospital. Praying that her cancer has not returned.

Judy have tests

Harry who died suddenly today, aged 22.

Max who is suffering with terminal pancreatic cancer.

Bridie Walsh RIP

Julia Forsyth RIP

Margaret in hospital with pneumonia

Margaret Smith RIP

For John and Joy who are both unwell, parents of Anita, Simon and Dominic.

Two friends who are not very well at the moment

Margaret Mizen recovering at home after surgery

Fr Petros who is suffering with malaria

For Bridie undergoing treatment for advanced lung cancer.

Prayers of gratitude for Ann and Ian, celebrating their 56th wedding anniversary.

We live in Sheltered Accommodation ( all having our own Flats) One of our Residents here, Helen, has just been diagnosed with breast cancer. Please pray that her 3 days in hospital will result in her receiving positive help.

Fr Laurence Freeman OSB undergoing treatment.

Bro Gustavo Gutierrez OP who is very unwell

Fr Fredrick Mabiri who was killed in a car accident in Zimbabwe on 16 September.

For Thomas who is recovering from an operation on his back soon, and all his family.

Julia Forsythe recovering from stroke.

For Halina recovering at home now after traffic accident

All those around the world affected by the storms, hurricanes, fires and floods.

My much-loved mother Joan - whose anniversary takes place today

Sister Margaret recovering from heart surgery

Anne Hammersley CP who died today. 27.07.2024

Sarah Pink RIP

Anna who has broken her spine in an accident

Una Kinnane, young wife and mother who has died of cancer.

Fr Eddie Woo RIP

Julia still recovering from stroke

John in hospital recovering from broken shoulder
Barbara, recovering from eye surgery..

For Isobel (mother of Fr David Stewart) RIP.

Aid workers killed in Gaza yesterday: Lalzawmi 'Zomi' Frankcom, Damian Sobol, Saifeddin Issam Ayad Abutaha, John Chapman, James Kirby, James (Jim) Henderson, Jacob Flickinger.

Nadia and all mothers and children and men in Gaza

Patsy Fuller, a dear friend who died in November 2019 - not forgotten.

Joanne, Linda and Paul recovering after a car accident .

Dear Leo RIP

For a speedy recovery for Fr Mario in Padua who has had a small operation on his heart.

Princess of Wales that she recovers fully from her illness

Fr Michael James Daley RIP

Fr Mark Whelehan CP RIP

King Charles for his speedy recovery

Aaron Bushnell RIP

Tyrone's mother
Nicholas' brother Dennis.

A just and healing resolution to Richard's situation at work
Fr Mark Whelehan CP who is unwell in hospital at this time.

Cindy Kent

Thiago's intentions

Peter Corley RIP

Harrison Rowe have child cancer treatment

Mohammed Smiry

David Hoyland RIP

Frank Caprio having treatment for pancreatic cancer

Sally, who is having treatment in hospital, Eva and Henry who have Covid.

Mary O'Brien who is ill in hospital

Fr Stuart Gullan-Steel RIP

Abigail's mother Mary, RIP

Fr Terry Murray RIP

Shane MacGowan RIP

Fr Goyo in a lot of pain

Charles RIP



Simon undergoing cancer treatment. And his family

Fr Timothy John O'Connor RIP

Fr Francis Kemsley, RIP

Fr Dominic McKenna RIP

David Clarke and family

Helen Clarke RIP

The People of Marrachesh affected by the earthquake

John Newell RIP and all his family

For the people of Maui

Charlotte Kirkham RIP

Martin O'Brien who is recovering from an operation

Charles C

For the intentions of Helen and Dave

For Liz who is unwell and her friends looking after her

Jane and Anthony

Colin McIntosh RIP

Emily recovering from surgery

Fr Mark Leenane RIP

Obey Shava.

Anthony. Marie and family. Peter, Sinead and family. Jackie and family. Gerry and family. Sean, Stephanie, Seana, Jackie and family. Alec. Fr Timothy, Fr Tony, Fr Timady, Paul.

Brian, Mary Fitzpatrick RIP. Rebecca Browne RIP. Caitira Osbourne RIP. Marie McBride RIP. Martin McCafferty RIP. Moya Aiken RIP. Billy and Josie Morgan RIP. Alec, Bridey Symmington RIP. Patricia Morgan RIP.

Martin Fitzpatrick

Father Bernard's intentions

Paschal's Mother

For Charlotte who is very unwell.

For Pope Francis recovering from surgery

Seowon Park's intentions

Those who are sick, undergoing treatment or surgery

Gerry, Judy, Jane, Katie Jenks, Anthony, Theresa, Dermot, Mary , Holly, Jan, Sr Anne

Claire RIP

Sister Dympna of St Joseph RIP
Francis Dalrymple Hamilton RIP
Maria Rosa Vuniivi RIP
Brother Francis RIP

Joan Roche RIP and her family

Fr John Craven RIP

Alicia Gilmore RIP

Intentions of Mary Ellen and Michael

Cardinal Zen who has breathing problems

Jo's intentions

For James' family member, who is ill

Hedy Fletcher's intentions

Magdalene Thérèse, OCDS, intentions

For all priests in Nigeria suffering greatl



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