Cuba: new seminary opening

Havana Cathedral
A new seminary is beiing opened in Cuba next month. The new National Seminary located some 30 miles outside of Havana, will be the first new religious construction in Cuba in more than 50 years. A delegation from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops' (USCCB) will travel to Cuba November 3-6, to attend the celebrations.
The delegation will be led by subcommittee member Archbishop Thomas G. Wenski of Miami, and will also include Father Andrew Small, OMI, National Collections Office director for the Church Latin America, Thomas Quigley, counselor to the subcommittee, and local clergy from the Archdiocese of Miami.
In addition to the inauguration of the seminary, the group will visit parishes and missions in Havana supported by the Collection for the Church in Latin America. The collection is taken up each year in dioceses across the United States. It supports pastoral projects throughout Latin America and the Caribbean. The collection has supported projects all over Cuba, including the construction of the new seminary. The delegation will also visit the Diocese of Pinar del Rio.
Source: USCCB