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Welcome to Soul Food

Soul Food is a Catholic charismatic prayer group made up of people in their 20's, 30's and 40's which meets every Thursday at St Charles Borromeo Church in Ogle Streey, Central London, from 7-9pm for worship, teaching and faith sharing.

An evening at Soul Food typically starts with praise and worship, followed by a Bible teaching or talk on a particular theme. Each evening ends with a time of response such as prayer ministry, small group discussion/faith sharing or an opportunity for prayer or adoration.

There is time for a drink together afterwards as well as other social gatherings.

This Thursday, (6 January) Soul Food will celebrate Mass with Fr Alan Fudge (Parish Priest of St Charles Borromeo) in thanksgiving for last year and also to offer up the year ahead, particularly the Life in the Spirit Seminar.

After the Mass they will go for an agape social in the upstairs function room at The Ship pub. Please bring some food for yourself and to share with others - but no drinks please as we will be expected to buy these from the pub!

Life in The Spirit Seminar

Soul Food will be running a Life in the Spirit Seminar (LISS) from 13 January to 10 February which includes a weekend retreat 4-6 February 2011.

For more information see:


Megan said: "As soon as I walked into St Charles Borromeo Church for the first time on a Thursday evening, I felt completely at peace and I knew that, in a way, I had just come home. Soul Food became like family to me while I lived away from my home in Australia. It was more than just a group of people for me, it was community. A place to really meet people, to pray together, to have a good yarn over a drink or two, to share food, to go out together, to support, to encourage, to commiserate with and to celebrate with."

Ronan: "When I think of Soul Food I think of the early church - small groups of real believers in a city, alive in the Spirit and blessed by Grace. People here are fun and faith filled - this is how being a Christian is supposed to be for me!"

Janet: "Every Thursday I feel prompted to attend this prayer group which I can honestly say has been 'life-changing' for me! I meet Christ EVERY week at Soul Food where HE speaks to me very could be through one of the talks, the powerful praise and worship, the silence or even a random conversation with someone who I'm talking to on the night!!!!"


Pope's Worldwide Prayer Network

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