Oliver McTernan to address J&P assembly

Oliver McTernan
Oliver McTernan will be giving the main lecture at the annual Justice and Peace Assembly, organised by the Diocese of Arundel & Brighton on 22 January, at the Christian Education Centre on Southgate Drive, in Crawley.
The main focus of the Assembly will be about helping Catholic parishes in Sussex and Surrey make a difference. The aim is to seek to renew and help local Justice and Peace Groups in parishes. The hope is to give them the knowledge and the skills to take action on behalf of those on the margins of society here and abroad.
McTernan is an expert in conflict resolution and interfaith work, and a regular contributor on the BBC. He will address the issue of international peace resolution and interfaith work. He was a Visiting Fellow of the Weatherhead Centre for International Affairs at Harvard University from 2000 -2003. He is a Senior Associate Fellow of the UK Defence Academy. He was responsible for initiating the first post-conflict talks between NATO and the former Yugoslav government. His latest book Violence in God's Name explores the role of religion in an age of conflict.
McTernan is also well known on BBC Radios 2 and 4 as a contributor to 'Thought for the Day'. Diocesan Justice and Peace Adviser, David Thomson said: "I am really looking forward to hearing Oliver speak. I know he will enthuse those attending and enliven our day. Indeed the whole day will be one that the Catholic parishioners and others can come along to and learn from. There will be additional sessions on religious freedom, the arms trade and war, human trafficking and environmental rights; something to interest everyone!"
Also involved in the day will be the Bishop of Arundel & Brighton, Kieran Conry together with Danny Smith from Jubilee Campaign and Alan Morinan from Campaign against the Arms Trade.
Source: Diocese of Arundel & Brighton