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Forthcoming Events

For details of parishes, Masses, Prayer Resources and other events online see:



now - 3 March
Liverpool Cathedral: Threads through the Bible | Creation + Cross + Revelation

Tuesday 4 March 11.15pm to 12.50am
No Other Land on Channel Four

Tuesday 4 March - 27 April
Cloud of Witnesses exhibition at St John's Waterloo
The launch event takes place on Tuesday 4 March from 6-8pm
at St John's Waterloo, 73 Waterloo Road, London SE1 8TY.
For more information see:

Wednesday 5 March
Ash Wednesday Events - Leeds, Liverpool and London

Saturday 8 March 8 3-5pm
Westminster: Caritas Volunteering Fair
The fair will be held in Westminster Cathedral Hall.

Sunday, 9 March 1.30
Southwark: Romero Week Spanish-language Mass
at St George's Cathedral, Southwark, SE1 6HR 1.30pm
Main celebrant: Archbishop John Wilson
Preacher: Luis Orlando Perez SJ

Saturday 15 March
London: Flame 2025 - Unstoppable Hope at OVO Wembley

7 March - 5 May
SOUTHWELL MINISTER: Threads through the Bible | Creation + Cross + Revelation

Thursday, 13 March 7pm
Leeds Justice and Peace Commission 2025 Romero Lecture
At Leeds Trinity City Centre Campus LS1 6EB
Luis Orlando Perez SJ, Excavating Hope

21 - 24 March
Boarbank Hall weekend course: Latin as a language of prayer

Saturday 22 March
St Augustine's Abbey, Chilworth: Catholicism Study Morning on Flannery O'Connor, the storyteller
Fr John Seddon OSB will show Bishop Barron's video and lead discussion. Mass at 9am, talk 10:30am-12:20pm. All welcome. £10 per person. Booking essential at

Thursday, 20 March 7pm
Liverpool Archdiocese of Liverpool Annual Romero Mass
At St Edmund of Canterbury Church, Waterloo L22 8QF, in the Parish of St Oscar Romero, followed by talk
Luis Orlando Perez SJ

Saturday 22 March, 11am
Romero Week. National Ecumenical Service
At St Martin in the Fields,
Trafalgar Square, London WC2N 4JJ.
The Address will be given by Cardinal Michael Fitzgerald, M.Afr., OBE, President-emeritus of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue. Chris Olding, the composer of the Romero Hymn, will accompany the music.

Sunday, 23 March 6pm
St Albans Romero Week Evensong - Preacher: Sr Gemma Simmonds CJ
At St Albans Cathedral, AL1 1BY

Thursday, 27 March 12noon
Southwark: Romero Anniversary Mass and presentation of the Oscar Romero Award
t St George's Cathedral, Southwark, SE1 6HR
Main celebrant: Archbishop John Wilson

Saturday 29 March 9.30am to 4pm
Glasgow: Scottish Catholic Conference, 'Courage to Be Catholic'.
At the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall, 2 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow G2 3NY
First ever ACN Scottish Catholic Conference. This special event will bring together Catholic organisations, laity, and clergy from across the country to deepen their faith and engagement with the Church's mission.
Order tickets:


Wednesday, 2 April 7-8.30pm
London: ACN Lenten Service
St Patrick's Catholic Church, Soho Square, W1D 4NR
Book seats: (free)

Monday 7 April: Opening Doors to Refugees and Asylum Seekers
Evening meeting via zoom
Details at:

Saturday 16 April - Thursday 1 May
Jubilee 2025 for People with Disabilities.
Kairos event: Living fully with value and hope, in Rome. Accessible events, prayer, friendship and a morning with Pope Francis celebrating Jubilee 2025. For more information please email the Kairos Team,

Good Friday 18 April, 12noon and 3.15pm
The Passion of Jesus
Supported by the Mayor of London, 100 Wintershall players bring their electric and moving portrayal of the final days of Jesus to this iconic location in the capital. The production is open air with visibility maximised using a large screen. There is a realistic interpretation of the crucifixion so parental guidance is advised. British sign language interpretation is provided. Book here.

Thursday 24- Friday 25 April
Theology and Integral Ecology: New Approaches to our Planetary Crisis.
Laudato' Si Research Institute conference at the University of Oxford. More information can be found here.

Tuesday 29 April
London: Faith at Work Summit
At Equinix House


Monday 5 May - May Day Bank Holiday
Annual Rally for Southwark Altar Servers
At The Friars, Aylesford Priory, Kent.
All are most welcome to attend, including anyone who wishes to 'Come and See', to learn more about serving in their parish. For more details see:

2-5 May
Cumbria: Craft Weekend at Boarbank Hall
For the full programme and more details, see:

9 May 30 June
ELY CATHEDRAL: Threads through the Bible | Creation + Cross + Revelation
Threads through the Cross

Saturday 10 May: Opening Doors to a sustainable future for all people
Networking Day in London - NJPN Environment Group to facilitate the event at CAFOD's office in South London.
Details at:

12-17 May
Boarbank Hall to host Two Wings and Some Prayers
All our events combine talks, prayer, time outdoors and social time.
For more information, see: or email Sr Margaret Atkins on


Monday 2 June - Friday 6 June
Southwark Diocese Walking Pilgrimage to Aylesford
details to follow

Monday 9 June - all day event.
Religion Media Festival.
To be held at Westminster Central Hall. More information can be found here.

Friday 13 June 5pm - Sunday 15 June 4pm
Booking: 'The Theology of Pope Francis & the Church today'
At the Ammerdown Centre

Monday 16 to Wednesday 18 June
G.R.A.C.E International Colloquium
The G.R.A.C.E International Colloquium will take place on 16-18 June 2025 at St Mary's University, Twickenham. The theme is: Mission and Identity in Catholic Education in the 21st Century: theory and practice. For more information, please contact the colloquium organisers, Professor John Lydon and Dr Caroline Healy,

Saturday 7 June
The Friars, Aylesford: Archdiocesan Jubilee Celebration Day
Led by Archbishop John Wilson, we will gather for a day of prayer, reflection, celebration, and fun. There will be lots of activities, for children as well as for adults. This will be the centre-piece event of the 2025 Jubilee in the Archdiocese of Southwark. There will also be a walking pilgrimage from St George's Cathedral to The Friars (2-6 June). The event itself is free. Southwark Deanery is planning coaches for the day itself, so to join one of the coaches, please contact Deacon Javier, via email: The coach seat cost per person is £25. You can find out more about the event, including how to join the walking pilgrimage, and the wider Jubilee Year plans in the Archdiocese at:


3 July - 4 August
RIPON CATHEDRAL: Threads through the Bible Creation + Cross + Revelation

25 - 27 July - 'A Just Peace' - Challenging the inevitability of violence.
NJPN Conference at Swanwick in Derbyshire.
Details at:


7 August - 22 September
SHEFFIELD CATHEDRAL: Threads through the Bible | Creation + Cross + Revelation


Friday 19 September
Catholic in Fundraising Conference.
Jubilee Year Conference just outside Rome, for more details please contact

25 September - 3 November
GUILDFORD CATHEDRAL: Threads through the Bible | Creation + Cross + Revelation


Thursday 30 October
NJPN Evening event via Zoom - Post Conference Catch Up
Details at:



2026 & 2027

Threads through the Bible | Creation + Cross + Revelation
9th May - 29th June - CHESTER CATHEDRAL
4th July - 31st August - LINCOLN CATHEDRAL


Mill Hill Missionaries

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