Christian peace campaigner Vanunu asks to leave Israel under new law

Mordechai Vanunu
Mordechai Vanunu, the Christian peace campaigner who spent 18 years in prison, mostly in solitary confinement, for revealing the fact that Israel had nuclear weapons, has appealed to Israel to let him leave the country under a new law that has recently been passed. Since he was released from prison in 2004, Vanunu has been forced to live under very severe restrictions. He is not allowed to speak to foreigners or leave the country.
The government has recently passed a new law revoking Israeli citizenship for people who have been convicted of espionage and treason. Vanunu has asked that this law be applied to him.
In a letter to Mr Eli Yishai, Minister of the Interior, Mordechai Vanunu writes:
I am Mordechai Vanunu, who was kidnapped in Rome on September 30, 1986, by the security services of Israel.
I was tried by the Jerusalem District Court, convicted of espionage, treason and assistance to the enemy and sentenced to 18 years imprisonment, following a newspaper interview to the London 'Sunday Times' where I told of the production of materials for nuclear arms in Israel.
I have enacted the democratic principle of the public's right to know.
I have spent 18 years at the Ashkelon Prison, mostly under conditions of complete isolation. On April 21, 2004 I was released, under severe restrictions.
Seven years have passed and the restrictions are renewed again and again, every year, on the basis of the 1945 Defense (Emergency) Regulations. Now these restrictions are about to be renewed for yet another year.
Since my release I lived for six years in East Jerusalem. Since September 2010 I have lived in Tel Aviv.
On June 1986 I have converted to Anglican Christianity.
Recently, the Knesset passed a law authorizing the revocation of Israeli citizenship for those convicted of espionage and treason.
For 25 years I am waiting and demanding the restoration of my complete freedom.
I am asking the State of Israel to revoke my citizenship.
This wish for revocation of citizenship is neither new nor recent.
Now, however, it is supported by the new Citizenship Revocation Law, passed on March 28, 2011.
I am asking and expecting that this law be enforced to the letter, and that my citizenship be revoked here and now, under the spirit of the law.
I have no other citizenship, but I can easily get one, even during my enforced sojourn in Israel, and certainly if I leave the country.
After the treatment and "care" which I got from this country and its citizens, I cannot feel myself a wanted citizen here.
In the Israeli media and on the Israeli streets I am called 'The Atomic Spy' and 'A traitor', harassed and persecuted as an Enemy of the State for 25 years.
I feel myself still imprisoned, still a prisoner of war and a hostage, held by the state and the government.
After 25 years of getting various harsh penalties from the state, I would like to see an end to punishments and the realization of my basic human right to freedom.
I wish to exercise my right to the Freedom of Conscience and the Freedom of Choice, by choosing not to be a citizen of Israel.
I have no interest in Israeli citizenship, I do not want to live here.
I ask that you revoke my citizenship here and now.
I request that you set me free of Israel, since Israel does not want me nor do I want Israel.
All that I knew I told, already in 1986, to the English newspaper. I have no further
confidential information.
The time has come to let me leave Israel, after 25 years of imprisonment, a full quarter of a century!
Mordechai Vanunu
Copies sent to: The President, Prime Minister, Defense Minister, Foreign Minister and Justice Minister.
Source: Gush-Shalom