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Portsmouth: Bishop Crispian Hollis diagnosed with cancer

Bishop Crispian Hollis has sent the following letter to the clergy of the Diocese of Portsmouth.

Dear Brothers,
You will all know that I have been struggling a bit this year with health problems and I seem to have been spending a great deal of time in surgery waiting rooms and the QA hospital.

To cut a long story short, I was given a CT scan at the QA in the middle of June and I have now received the results, which are not very good.

The scan has revealed cancer of the bowel, which is probably malignant, though that has yet to be definitively confirmed by biopsy on Monday August 1st and an MRI scan on August 2nd.

Whatever the results of the tests may be, it is likely that I will have to face major surgery sometime in September. Between now and then, I will be spending my time between Portsmouth and Somerset though I hope to join the Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes from August 21st till August 27th.

I will, of course, keep you as informed as I can about what is happening, but, in the meantime, I would be very grateful for your support and prayers, together with the prayers of all in the diocese.

With my love and blessings to you all,

 Bishop Crispian


The Archbishop Romero Trust

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