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Response to 'Abuse: Breaking the Silence' from Rosminian Provincial

  • Fr David Myers

Soni School, Tanzania

Soni School, Tanzania

A harrowing BBC documentary was shown in the UK on 21 June, charting the experiences of more than a hundred former pupils from two Rosminian prep schools in England and Tanzania, who say they were mentally, physically and in some cases sexually abused by some of the priests there in the 1960s.

The same film is being shown in Australia tomorrow, 28 August. Fr David Myers, Provincial of the Rosminians has asked us to publish the following response to the programme, showing the extent to which he says the Rosminians have endeavoured to support the former pupils over the past three years (since they revealed what had happened to them) and co-operate with the programme makers. He has also written a timeline, recording all the events of the case.

1. A Response to 'Abuse: Breaking the Silence' by Rosminian Provincial Fr David Myers

It is with great reluctance that I write about the programme which was broadcast by the BBC in June 2011. The reason I have not spoken about the programme before now was because I did not want to offend those who were hurt when they were at school in the years between 1954 and 1974.

But now the programme is going to be shown in other countries, I feel that I ought to put the record straight so that the inaccurate impressions created in the UK because of the broadcast are not repeated elsewhere.

St Paul tells us that we should speak the truth in love, and that is what I shall try to do.

"Forgiveness - a funny thing. Is it for me or is it for them? All I know, that when I did forgive, I did not have to rent out to them a part of my mind." These words spoken by Donald McFarland on the programme summed up perfectly what the Order had tried to achieve through offering meetings, dialogue and sharing. Don explained that he had come from Australia to visit those who had abused him and received their apology. This was the transforming experience for him.

I could give an endless list of meetings, emails, apologies, notes on telephone conversations or on Skype. I could talk about visits, people I met, but all this information would be too much to absorb. A timeline (published below) has been produced of the key events but this timeline does give any sense of the real experience of living day by day the unfolding story.

When in April 2010 Olenka Frenkie rang me up and told me of the TV programme she was planning to produce, of the events of Soni and Grace Dieu. She invited me to take part. I said that I was prepared to do so as long as it was live, or that I was not edited. When I asked her when she wanted to show the programme, she replied that she hoped it would be shown during the Papal Visit to the UK. I confess that this timing rang alarm bells in my mind, and now that I have seen the programme produced by Blakeway and sold to the BBC I think that these alarm bells were justified. She then contacted many of the group and said that she wanted to make the programme about reconciliation. But at the same time she sent out emails asking for examples of penetrative or oral sex.

First of all let us take the title of the programme: 'Abuse, breaking the silence' This is a very good title, the word silence, in this context means having the courage to tell their story which had been surpressed in their minds, for some cases for more than 50 years and at last being empowered to speak out about it. But the producers of the programme took the word silence, which I used on two occasions, once quoting the Bible, once quoting Blessed Antonio Rosmini, where the word obviously means being still before God in contemplation.

To tie together these two different meanings and by this imply that I was intending to 'cover-up' may be superficially clever but not intellectually honest. Let me give another example where as far as I am concerned, the programme distorted the truth.

They quoted part of one of my emails where the word 'silence' appeared (in a letter to Fiona Stourton, director of the company , Blakeway, that produced the programme and sold it to the BBC) but they left-out the preceding sentence, which said: I consulted the whole group to ask them if I should take part in the programme, and that many had advised me strongly not to do so.

(Interestingly enough, not one person who took part in the programme contacted me and suggested that I too should take part. Of course, from the word go, all had said that they did not want publicity so it was understandable that many still held on to their original objective).

The thrust of the final part of the programme was that I was trying to keep the story secret. Yet, when I first met Francis Lionnet and his first companions, who were the leaders of the group in November 2009, the first thing I did was to offer to make a joint press statement with them about their accusations. This suggestion was strongly rejected as they said that they did not want publicity but wanted confidentiality. Again on 8th February, 2010 I suggested to the 43 concerned that we make a joint press statement. But the feedback from them was negative to this suggestion.

The programme makers were clearly aware of my invitation to make a joint press statement.

If my written words were so chopped up to give the opposite impression of what I intended, my reluctance to take part in the programme and be videoed and edited seems to me to have been reasonable.

Finally, a small point, but I cannot really understand it. The commentary said that during the Papal Visit I had changed my mind from being open and pastoral to being negative and hostile. I did not know that journalists could read my mind.

The Producers of the programme were not able to read accurately the written material - including my emails and the archive material of Provincials' letters of 1954-1974, that had been given them.

Therefore, had they honestly evaluated that material, they could have understood me better, and produced a far more accurate programme.

2. Timeline of Soni-Grace Dieu Events September 2009 to June 2011

This first section is about, Fr Bernard Collins only, Grace Dieu 1954-1958, Soni 1958 to 1973.

08.09.2009 Arrival of the accusations concerning Fr Bernard Collins from Grace Dieu (16) and Soni (9). Long file from Patrick Donaldson, of 25 gathered testimonies from Francis Lionnet, organizer of the complainants.

09.09.2011 Ring Patrick Donaldson and say that David Myers is emailing all complainants with an apology. DM explains that he is about to leave for USA to visit the brethren and that on his return there will be a chapter in Dublin. So full attention will be given to this on his return.

20.09.2009 E-mail to the 25, acknowledging the receipt of the accusations and first apology from Fr David Myers.

Fr Myers offers to visit the accusers where they live.
Addresses were requested to that they could also receive a written letter. These signed letters were posted to each individual.

05.11.09 David Myers (DM) and Chris Fuse (CF) meet at Porthcawl for reading the file about B.Collins only.

06.11.09 onwards: Letters to Safeguarding Offices of Nottingham (Diocese in which Grace Dieu is located) and Arundel and Brighton (where Derryswood is located) and telephoned both Bishop Kieron Conroy and Bishop Malcolm McMahon and Bishop John Arnold.

06.11.2009 A search of the Archives of Provincials' letters to Fr General 1956 - 74. Regarding every time B.Collins' name was mentioned. Eleven pages were sent to Patrick Donaldson, Piers Brogan, Donald McFaul and Francis Lionnet for them to study before the meeting.

16-18.11.09 Meeting with representatives of the group at Ely Place - Patrick Donaldson, Francis Lionnet, Piers Brogan, Donald McFaul.

18.11.2009 DM informs the Organisers that all their accusations have been forwarded to Nottingham Diocese and he suggests that we prepare a Press Statement. This suggestion was rejected by the representatives, who wanted confidentiality.

18.11.09 Fr David Myers and Chris Fuse go to Derrys Wood to meet Bernard Collins, tell him about the meeting and present him with the accusations.

18.11.2009 Bernard Collins dictates an apology about his physical violence

19.11.09 DM has second meeting at DW, after this Bernard Collins dictates an apology about the sexual nature of this violence.

19.11.09 FL sends Swiftcode for payment £5,000 sent

19.11.09 Agreed statement from the meeting was confirmed by email:

No press statement by request.

Promises made to the representatives,

1) to meet and inform the Governors of Ratcliffe College. (Fr Myers met them on 02.02.2010)

Then to meet and inform the Governors of Grace Dieu (on 01.03.2010)

2) Inform the Brethren, (Meeting in Ireland 22.03.2010),

(Meeting in UK at Salisbury 22.06.2010) [details below].

3) Inform the major superiors of the Order in Rome, (13.04.2010), Easter 2011.

4) Give access to their accountants (Michael Ghersie and Michael Sheridan) to contact Buzzacott about Rosminian accounts.

6) Fr General has put two of the brethren to work on the Archival material at Stresa concerning Grace Dieu and Soni 1954 to 1974.

7) Any of the members could be contacted by David Myers on Skype. The response on Skype of reconciliation. (This led to 24 individuals contacted by Skype conversations, and 10 individuals by telephone and email. Some of these conversations are still active).

22.11.2009 Arundel Brighton CPO letters concerning B Collins

22.11.2009 Nottingham Diocese CPO concerning B Collins

30.11.2009 DM gathers assistance and advice from Fr Robert Moreland SMA. Fr Brendan Callaghan SJ. Bishop John Arnold and Bishop Malcolm McMahon.

03.12.2009 Further Questions from Pierce Brogan

05.12.09 Reply to Further Questions

This section: Accusations concerning three other brethren

06.12.2009 Soni accusations numbering 26. This involved 19 new individuals making accusations (as some had been in the first contact list in September) concerning Fr B Colllins, Br D Rayner, Fr Kit Cunningham, Br B Jackson, arrive while David Myers is in Italy.

09.12.2009 DM returns to UK

10.12.2009 DM phones Bishop John Arnold about Fr. Kit Cunningham and Soni.

10-11.12.2009 DM speaking to Kit with Fr Chris Fuse about the accusations.

23.12.2009 Skype conference DM, CF in contact with members from Australia and USA

29.12.09 Asking for addresses for letters to go out to send apologies to those with accusations concerning Soni, 1954-74 Fr B Collins, Fr D Rayner, Fr K. Cunningham, Fr B Jackson.

30.12.2009 Email from John Creedon, Nottingham CPO has informed statutory authorities, about B.Collins. They will take no further action.


06.01.10 CF sends end 2009 of year report to Catholic Safeguarding Advisory Services.
Phone conversation about the correct number in a year group.

No comment about offering assistance.

06.01.2010 David Myers with Fr B Cuddihy and Fr Chris Fuse speak with Fr D Rayner about accusations

11.01.2010 DM in London to see Fr Kit Cunningham 23.01.2010 DM at Derryswood with B.Collins for his recorded statements. Also speaking to B Jackson and D Rayner.
20.01.2010 CF letter to Westminster CPO, Mr Peter Turner, containing extracts concerning K Cunningham only.

20.01.2020 CF letter to Nottingham CPO concerning Soni accusations: Collins, Rayner, Jackson

21.01.2010 Fr Jackson's letters to accusers

26.01.2010 Fr Bernard Collins and his statements typed

29.01.2010 Mr. Peter Turner, Westminster Diocese CPO phones Fr Chris Fuse to seek clarification on the review boards used by the Rosminians and reference to the statutory authorities. Indicated that Bishop John Arnold would agree a statement with Fr D Myers.

01.02.2010 Bernard's letters of apology to individuals, recorded and later typed out.

02.02.2010 Fr Myers informs the Governors at Ratcliffe College

05.02.2010 Fr Cunningham and letters of apology.

05.02.2010 Fr Cunningham and the MBE in his general letter

06.02.2010 MBE posted to palace according to instructions.

07.02.2010 Fr Myers goes to Stresa to check the work on the Archives.

08.02.2010 Fr Myers writes to all the group and in para.6 is about to prepare a press-release for the Order. He is discouraged by the group from releasing it.

11.02.2010 A conversation reported by email from Old Ratcliffian Dinner. The turning of the tide towards compensation

27-28.02.2010 A Meeting offered by Fr D Myers with Donald McFarland, Alan Danvers. Such a meeting was to give accusers the opportunity to meet the offenders.
They met Fr Bill Jackson at Ely Place and Fr Kit Cunningham at Tite Street.

27.02.2010 Agreement drawn up. Concerning these headings.
Acknowlegement of the complaint

Sanctions imposed upon the accused
Promise of investigation into the causes
Responsibilities for Soni to be investigated
The genesis of the school to be investigated
The biographical details of the accusers
Measures to prevent future abuse

Compensation, recognizing that some are seeking compensation. The search for mutually agreed terms.

Future meetings with the accused were agreed

27.02.2010 Donald McFarland agrees the report of the meeting

28.02.2010 Donald McFarland meets Bill Jackson, Kit Cunningham with Alan Danvers.

03.03.2010 Mr. Charles Foulds invites any of the abused to visit today's Grace Dieu School

03.03.2010 DM instructed by Alex Wilson to communicate only through himself and Piers Brogan.

DM replies that he will continue to communicate directly unless individuals ask him not to.

06.03.2010 DM writes to all concerning a Project in Africa as a symbol of Rosminian failures.

07.03.2010 DM sends 22 pages of information to cover the main communications to date to all (now 43) members from Grace Dieu and Soni. Including personal letters of apology from B Collins, D Rayner, K Cunningham, B Jackson.

10.03.2010 DM and Peter Turner CPO Westminster, visit Fr Kit Cunningham and sign the Covenant of Care.

22.03.2010 Meeting in Ireland for information and Inset on Safeguarding. Facilitated by Brother Michael Heffernan CFC. Reports of this meeting sent to all complainants.

13.04.2010 Rome Major Superiors Safeguarding Inset Fr Dermot McCaul

21.04.2010 DM sends Minutes of Rome meeting to all complainants from GD and Soni.

26.04.2010 Pierce Brogan agrees to use of material in Safeguarding Inset in the future. Appreciates our 'Transparency which stands out as a beacon of light.'

26.04.2010 Prepared statements Jim McDonnell

26.04.2010 Email from Olenka Frenkie desire to make TV programme in time for Papal Visit. DM agrees to take part as long as he is 'live' or unedited.

22.06.2010 Sarum meeting Province Safeguarding Inset led by Fr Brendan O'Callaghan SJ

This section: Leading up to the TV programme

07.09.2010 DM sends all an anniversary letter updating the situation

17.09.2010 Email Receive Legal claim from Uppal Taylor

20.09.2010 Advice from Jesuits about solicitor, fulfilling promise not to seek legal advice before the group did.

30.09.2010 Meet to get advice from Solicitor Jerry Hawthorne
Pothecary Witham Wells
Getting advice from Publicist Dr McDonald.

01-03.10.2010 Fr. Myers visits the USA for reconciliation with a former student of Soni.

06.12.2010 Further contact from Olenka Frenkie

23.12.2010 Letter dated from Fiona Stourton inviting DM to take part in TV programme about Reconciliation. Invitation to meet. Opened on 28.12.2010.


06.01.2011 DM informs the group about programme and asks if he should take part.

11.01.2011 Meet Fiona Stourton at Ely Place with Fr Brian Cuddihy.

Fiona asks Fr Myers to speak about the 'wonderful' work he has done on reconciliation. His five questions about editorship were all answered in the negative. DM said that he would consult the group about their advice.

After Fr Brian Cuddihy left, DM told Fiona that he had informed every journalist who contacted him that Fr Kit had returned his MBE because of accusations made from his time at Soni. Although they did not publish this fact in Fr Kit's obituaries.

Group reply: only a few suggest DM take part. The others who replied are very hostile to the idea. None of those who promoted the programme suggested that DM should take part in it.

13.01.2011 DM to Fiona that he will be saying Requiem Mass for Kit Cunningham in London

20.01.2011 DM letter to all, followed their advice not to appear in the programme.
{this email appeared in the TV programme. It had blacked out the key words that DM was very strongly advised not to take part in the programme. So the word 'silence' was used to imply a cover-up}

13-15.02.2010 Fr Myers visits Denmark for reconciliation with a former student of Soni.

03.03.2011 Fiona indicates that the programme will accuse the Rosminians of a cover up over moving Bernard Collins.

25.04.2011 Irish Region Safeguarding Training Day with Sr Collette Stephenson and Mrs Teresa Devlin

20.06.2011 Abuse. Breaking the Silence TV broadcast

27.06.2011 DM answers The Universe on ten issues.

07.07.2011 Catholic Herald prints a statement from some of the victims that the Rosminians were not involved in 'cover-up'.

02.08.2011 DM publishes Telegraph 'draft' obituary written by David Tristram-Davies about Kit Cunningham. This draft states that he returns his MBE because of sexual accusations from his time at Soni. This statement was removed by Editors, before publication, the following day.

For background information with links to earlier reports and comments, see: ICN 22 June 2011 Viewpoint - Breaking the Silence



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