Bishop Crispian - health report

Bishop Crispian Hollis
The Bishop of Portsmouth, Bishop Crispian Hollis, has been undergoing treatment for cancer for the past few weeks. He has sent the following short report:
I returned from hospital to Bishop’s House last Wednesday (September 21st) and I am now being beautifully cared for by all who are living and working here. It really is five star service and I can thoroughly recommend it!
I am beginning to move around and hope to spend a little time each day catching up on some of the backlog of letters and cards and best wishes, but you will understand me when I say that I cannot answer them all. However, I want everyone to know how immensely grateful I am to all who have written and who are praying. I can’t tell you what a support and strength that has been.
I am moving around a bit more each day and am eating normally. I cannot say at the moment when I will be around in public; it simply depends on progress which is, at the moment, steady.
In the meantime, the day-to-day affairs of the diocese are in the hands of the Vicars General and all issues should be addressed to them – they are now all back from their holidays and times away.
I will keep you all in touch as things develop but this will probably be my last bulletin for a while.
My blessings and prayers to you all,