A Place for Faith Schools? - Colloquium at Blackfriars, Oxford
Faith schooling has come under serious attack in recent years, and stands accused of contributing to social fragmentation, hidden selectivity, and of being the improper beneficiary of public funds in a secular society. Others see faith schools as integral to the human rights of believers who should be free educate their children in their own religious tradition, and as contributing to excellence and diversity with the sector.
This colloquium at Blackfriars, jointly sponsored by the Las Casas Institute and the Christian Muslim Forum, focuses on schooling in the different Christian and different Muslim traditions.
Speakers include Prof Richard Pring (Oxford University); Dr Musharraf Hassain Al-Azhari OBE (the Karimia Institute); Shaykh Abdul Mubad (The Islamic Academy); Maurice Irfan Coles; Dr. Liam Gearon (Oxford University); and Dr Julia Ipgrave (Warwick University).
To book a place at this event, you are invited to use the web site of the Christian Muslim Forum which you can find at: http://christianmuslimforum.org/index.php/events/event-listing/623/