Portsmouth: health report from Bishop Crispian

Bishop Crispian
The Bishop of Portsmouth, Bishop Crispian Hollis, has been receiving treatment for cancer in recent months. He has sent this brief health report. Bishop Crispian writes:
Hopefully, this will be last of these bulletins in which I’ve tried to keep you all abreast of what been happening to me.
I went back into hospital last Monday and under the care of the same surgeon, Mr Jim Khan, I was given a reversal of the ileostomy that had been put in place in September. I am glad to say that the operation was successful and no further treatment is envisaged.
I am back at Bishop’s House now for a further period of convalescence, assisted by the care of the community that makes up Bishop’s House and the Cathedral parish.
Once again, I want to say that I don’t think I could have come through the traumas of the last three months without your constant, love, care and prayers, so please know how grateful I am. In many ways, that care and love were most abundantly shown to me at the Mass of Thanksgiving celebration last Saturday.
With my blessings and prayers,
26th November 2011