Olympic training day for Catholics

With the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee and the 2012 Games now just around the corner, the Catholic community is being invited to prepare for the biggest summer of parties modern Britain has ever experienced.
On Saturday 12 May, leaders from More Than Gold, the churches’ ecumenical Olympic charity, will host a full day of information and training for Catholic parishes, schools and agencies who wish to engage with this summer’s four months of festivities.
With the Olympic Torch Relay travelling the length and breath of the country between May and July, and an extended Bank Holiday in celebration of the Diamond Jubilee, ending with August and September brimming over with world class sport, there is much to be celebrated.
James Parker, Catholic Executive Coordinator of the 2012 Games, said: “Never has the Catholic community in Britain been offered a season to build community as unique as this summer. Opportunities like this only come once in a lifetime and it is imperative that everyone is prepared. We have world-class leaders on hand to ensure that we as Catholics are ready and confident to engage with our own local communities and to welcome the many thousands of visitors who will travel throughout our land.”
The training day is to be held at St Charles Catholic Sixth Form College in the Borough of Kensington and Chelsea between 10am and 4pm and will include training on a variety of subjects, including how to run a local festival, how to engage with local chaplaincy, what to do if you wish to host the family members of an Olympic athlete, how to address issues of social injustice around the Games, and how to use sport to bring values to young people.
To find out more or to book online, please visit www.morethangold.org.uk and www.catholic2012.com.