Relic of Blessed John Paul II to be brought to Lourdes

Italian pilgrim organisation UNITALSI, will carry a relic of Blessed John Paul II on pilgrimage with them to Lourdes between 21 and 27 October, thanks to Mgr Zygmunt Zimowski, President of the Pontifical Council for Health Care Workers which was founded by Blessed John Paul II himself. In the region of 1,000 pilgrims, including sick and volunteers, are expected.
"This is the Year of Faith, and the General Assembly of the Synod, which is taking place at the moment in Rome, is devoted to the new evangelisation, a subject close to the heart of John Paul II", said Salvatore Pagliuca, National President of UNITALSI. "Even today Karol Wojtyla continues to influence the Church and its faithful, and it is for this reason that, thanks to the concession accorded by Mgr Zimowski to UNITALSI, the vial containing the blood of John Paul II, a precious testimony of faith, will be carried in procession by UNITALSI in the Sanctuary of Lourdes, to be exposed and venerated by pilgrims and faithful from around the world".
"For UNITALSI", concluded Salvatore Pagliuca, "the presence of the reliquary of Blessed John Paul II during the pilgrimage is a meaningful sign, because it represents his ideas and feelings, his love as a man and priest, especially for the sick and disabled, as the members of our Association in need will recall during their participation in the pilgrimage."
Source: Lourdes press office