Book launch - Fukushima, The Death Knell for Nuclear Energy?

Nuclear energy was harnessed for civil and military use less than 60 years ago. Ever since it has been a source great debate. While the nuclear industry has provided cheap energy to many countries in the world it has also been the source of environmental disasters and untold damage to the planet for generations to come.
All of this came to a head with the disaster at the Fukushima Nuclear Plant in March 2011 in the wake of the Japanese Tsunami. This event and the response to it have led to a reassessment of the nuclear programmes in most of the worlds nuclear powers.
In his new book: Fukushima, The Death Knell for Nuclear Energy? Coumban priest Fr Sean McDonagh looks at the responses and reactions to the Fukushima disaster, the implications it has had for the worlds nuclear powers, the reaction of the Church to the nuclear industry, and the implications for the growing pro-nuclear lobby in Ireland.
"In this clear, factual and concise book Sean McDonagh provides us with the information we need to make a moral judgment about nuclear power post-Fukushima. This is an a comprehensive but accessible account of exactly how the nuclear industry operates and of the disastrous long-term implications for future generations in dealing with nuclear our waste," said Dr Paul Collins.
Dr Peadar Kirby commented: "This book is a timely examination of the case for nuclear power in the aftermath of the Fukushima disaster. It is particularly strong in placing the scientific arguments in the context of how regulation of the industry has been weak and dominated by political self-interest. The argument throughout is informed by a thorough knowledge of experiences throughout the world as well as by ethical considerations."
The Columban Justice and Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) Team has organised a book launch on Thursday 22 November 2012, at 7.30pm in Heythrop College, University of London, Kensington Square, London W8 5H. All welcome.
Fr McDonagh will be the main speaker. A panel discussion chaired by John VIdal, The Guardian's Environment Editor, will include Bruce Kent, a Vice-President of Pax Christi and of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND).
The formal session will be followed by refreshments. RSVP by 19 November to Columban Justice and Peace Team, email: JPICSSC@BTCONNECT.COM or 020 8202 2555.
Copies of the book will be available. Photos of parishes in the vicinity of Fukushima will be on display. Nearest tube station is High Street Kensington.
The event is organised by the Columban Missionary Society. For more information see: