The Bible: 'answer to seasonal stress and anxiety'

"The Bible offers everyone, especially those experiencing high levels of stress and anxiety in these weeks leading up to Christmas, life-changing words of peace and hope," affirmed the Catholic bishop who oversees the work of mission in England and Wales.
Speaking ahead of Bible Sunday which falls in the Catholic calendar on 8 December 2013, Bishop Kieran Conry, Chair of the Bishops’ Department for Evangelisation and Catechesis, said: “Advent and Christmas can be times of great stress for many people, especially people on low income and with difficult personal relationships. Reading the Bble offers an opportunity, first of all, to find a bit of calm space and a way of reflecting on what Christmas is supposed to be."
He added: “Christmas is supposed to be a celebration of all that is good, but for many it is actually frightening, if they don't have the financial resources to meet other people's and their own expectations. Many passages in the Bible, especially familiar passages like the beginning of chapter 5 in Matthew's Gospel, suggest a simpler way of living. Christmas really should be about less, not more - more love, yes, but not more food and not more expense. It's a time for many people to mend relationships, and one of those can be our relationship with God. As your circumstances allow, please do also consider how you might be able to help those in need in your local community."
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