Sacred music radio station launched

Cistercian monks of Stift Heiligenkreuz
An interfaith radio station, playing some of the world’s most beautiful sacred music has just been launched. Sacred Music Radio which plays 24 hours a day, features religious and sacred pieces of music from the Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, Zoroastrian and Islamic faiths, as well as music not directly connected with any specific religion.
Michael Vakil Kenton, one of the founders of the station, says: "Music has the ability to cut through cultural dividers, going beyond borders and boundaries, creating an atmosphere that can be subtle and indefinable, or joyous and transcending. The playlists we use at Sacred Music Radio can be all of these things, drawing from different cultures and religions, appreciated by all without having to subscribe to a certain faith. Our vision is that, as a result, by appreciating the music of diverse faiths, people may find themselves realising their common ground.”
The station website is easy to navigate. For every track played on the station, there are links to Amazon to purchase the track, a voting button to assist audience-driven frequency in schedule, and a short blurb on the artist or composer so that listeners can find out more about artists they like.
To find out more about Sacred Music Radio, and to listen online, visit