Sunday Reflection with Fr Robin Gibbons - Feast of the Ascension 2014

A few weeks ago I wrote about Steven Sutton, that inspiring and courageous young man whose funeral took place on Friday ( 30 May). I was struck by the witness he gave us all, of hope in the face of death, that final leave taking which we all face. I certainly hope that we will do something for him besides his own legacy of concern for young cancer suffers, maybe , as I have written to my own MP, the Prime Minister, it is time to create new awards for service rather than the worn out and archaic honours system which still divides by class and prestige, in Steven’s name an award for selfless service for the young would be a brilliant initiative, maybe some of you can help here!
I was deeply struck by some of Steven’s own ‘prophetic’ words before he died, they strike me as echoes of another selfless being, one who gave his life in utter love for others: ‘I don’t see the point in measuring life in terms of time anymore. I’d rather measure life in terms of making a difference!’ Isn’t that what we are called to in mission, isn’t that a young persons articulation of the Holy Spirit of God working in them now?
Yes it is, and like it or not , this too is an ‘Ascension’ moment where a leave taking reminds us of the Lord who not only will take the Stevens of this world into his arms but will come and gather us up when he comes again, so that we will be with Him always!
The Ascension is an odd feast, little mentioned in the Gospels, because I suspect it was a painful experience for the Disciples and Apostles, the risen Lord goes….takes his leave of the world! Yet in Luke’s writing of Acts those Gospels continue onwards, the Ascension is a necessary leave taking, Jesus is taken up in a cloud, one like that brilliant mist at the Transfiguration, but it is the Shekinah of God. It is the loving eternal all enveloping cloud of glory, when two or three are forever gathered in the name of the ascended Lord, his Shekinah, his presence is with us…always!
Who will give us his presence, who will show us his love? The Spirit, who calls each one of us to be martyrs, witnesses of God’s embracing love!
To sign a petition calling for the creation of a Stephen Sutton award see:
Fr Robin Gibbons is an Eastern Rite Chaplain for the Melkite Greek Catholics in Britain.