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Dublin: Meeting of Catholic and Church of Ireland bishops

The third meeting of Catholic and Church of Ireland bishops took place in Dublin on 11 September, in the spirit of the recommendation of the International Anglican/Roman Catholic Commission for Unity and Mission. Ten bishops were present representing the Irish Catholic Bishops' Conference, and the House of Bishops.

The Catholic Primate of All Ireland, Archbishop Eamon Martin, was among the participants in his first week as Archbishop of Armagh. Archbishop Richard Clarke was also present and the two primates introduced a discussion of how the Irish Churches might best contribute with intelligence and vision to the debates of the public square in the rapidly changing Ireland both north and south. Time was also taken for shared prayer, biblical reflection and informal encounter.

The bishops present included:

Church of Ireland: Archbishop Richard Clarke (Armagh), Bishop Harold Miller (Down and Dromore), Bishop Michael Burrows (Cashel Ferns and Ossory) and Bishop John McDowell (Clogher).

Roman Catholic: Archbishop Eamon Martin (Armagh), Bishop Raymond Browne (Kerry), Bishop Kieran O 'Reilly (Killaloe), Bishop Tony Farquhar (Auxiliary Bishop of Down and Connor), Bishop Brendan Leahy (Limerick) and Bishop John Fleming (Killala).

 Source: Irish Catholic Bishops Conference


Stella Maris

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