CSAN voices concern over Chancellor's planned welfare cuts

Helen O'Brien
In his speech today to the Conservative Party Conference, Chancellor George Osborne announced new plans to remove housing benefit for 18-21 year-olds, freeze benefits for two years, and reduce the benefit cap to £23,000 per year.
Caritas Social Action Network (CSAN) warns that these cuts will have a detrimental impact on children and families in London with a real potential for driving more families into poverty.
Commenting on the announcement, CSAN Chief Executive Helen O’Brien said: “Reducing the benefit cap to £23,000 is going to cause further financial hardship for many families, including and in particular, larger families. There is a real risk that lowering the cap is going to drive even more children into poverty especially in areas, such as London, where the cost of housing is cripplingly high.
Catholic charities and parishes over the past year have reported significant increases in the necessity for emergency food all across the country, and we fear this can now only increase. Although we understand the need to reduce Government expenditure, we call for this to be achieved without the likelihood of pushing more families into poverty.”
CSAN’s response to the All-Party Parliamentary Inquiry into Hunger and Food Poverty can be read here: www.csan.org.uk/resource/csan-response-appg-inquiry-hunger-food-poverty/
Further information on the announcement can be read here: www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2772274/Osborne-ban-dole-young-cut-benefit-cap-23-000-Chancellor-reveals-radical-post-election-plans.html