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Day of action and prayer on Climate Change - Wednesday 17 June

On Wednesday, 17 June 2015, there will be a day of action, solidarity and prayer in Central London on the subject of climate change. It is an ideal opportunity to talk with newly-elected MPs after May's general election and before December's crucial international climate talks in Paris.

The day - which hopes to involve at least 10,000 people - starts with two simultaneous ecumenical services at noon in St Margaret's Church, Parliament Square, and the Emmanuel Centre nearby. Bishops John Sherrington and Patrick Lynch will be reading at the services. Meetings with MPs will follow from 1pm with the lobby line forming to meet with MPs in the streets around Parliament and across Lambeth Bridge. Each constituency will line up in alphabetical order within geographical regions and stewards will be available to guide participants.

The finale will be a rally with inspiring speakers at 4.30pm. Entertainment by artists, street-performers, and face-painters will be happening throughout.

Back in February this year, the leaders of the three largest UK parties all pledged to act on climate change. MPs will be lobbied for Britain to take concrete steps, nationally and globally to reduce carbon emissions, promote green energy and support countries in the global south hardest hit by climate change. The MPs will be asked to help ensure that the new Sustainable Development Goals agreed in September 2015 respond to the threat of increasing climate change and deliver low-carbon development. Also, to support a global climate deal in Paris this December that requires all countries to take their fair share of action to limit global temperature rise to well below the internationally agreed target of 2°C. A specific call is for the UK government to support a global goal to phase out pollution from fossil fuels for 100% clean, safe energy by 2050.

The event is organised by The Climate Coalition - which includes such Catholic organisations as CAFOD, Progressio, the National Justice and Peace Network and Columban JPIC - in partnership with Stop Climate Chaos Cymru and Stop Climate Chaos Scotland. The combined supporter base is more than 11 million people across the UK.

The event comes a day before the launch of the Environment Encyclical of Pope Francis.

Registration forms and further details are available at: email

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