London: New Novices at Nazareth House

Sr Trang, Sr Hoa & Sr Stephania
Sister Trang and Sister Hoa from Viet Nam and Sister Stephania from Samoa have been received as Novices at Nazareth House in Hammersmith, London after completing Postulancy in Australia. Before entering the Order, Sister Trang was a nurse, and both Sister Hoa and Sister Stephania worked in retail.
The new Novices will spend two years at Hammersmith during which time they will continue to discern their vocation and to develop a deepening relationship with God and their prayer life. They learn about living in community and the ministries of the Congregation and have placements to gain practical experience.
The Order was founded in Hammersmith in 1857 by Victoire Larmenier. Nazareth House in Hammersmith is the Generalate, the worldwide headquarters of the Order which has over 300 Sisters working in Britain, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, USA and Southern Africa caring for children. older people, those suffering from AIDS and in various outreach ministries including parish work.
Read more about the Sisters of Nazareth here: