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Viewpoint: Has Pope Francis just cast the first vote in the US presidential race?

Has Pope Francis just cast the first vote in the US presidential race? Paul Vallely assesses the impact of Pope Francis' visit to the United States in the Guardian Comment is Free page today. Vallely writes:

Three months ago, on the plane back from Bolivia - where he had excoriated unrestrained capitalism as reeking of "the stench of the dung of the devil" - Pope Francis was asked why he appeared to have so little to say to the middle classes who worked hard and paid their taxes. The pontiff replied that it had been "an error of mine not to think about this". Sure enough, in his visit to the US, Francis turned his attention to the winners in the global economy. They may not have been entirely pleased with the outcome.

The pope has been at his most skilful yet as a political operator in the US. As ever, he spoke through actions as much as words. He balanced every event on the grand stage - the White House, Congress, the UN general assembly - with a visit to the homeless, immigrants or prisoners. The little black Fiat he used there was more than a symbol of humility. It was a clear message about the need for everyone to leave a smaller footprint on the planet. Fiat voluntas tua, it will not have escaped him, is the old church Latin for "Thy will be done".

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