HCPT prepare for Diamond Jubilee celebrations

HCPT has released the first pilgrimage resources for 2016 - its Diamond Jubilee year. The theme for the 2016 pilgrimages is 'Thanks be to God!' There are many reasons for the organisation to thank God in 2016. First and foremost it is HCPT's Diamond Jubilee. For 60 years the charity has travelled to Lourdes with disabled and disadvantaged children and with vulnerable adults. In all that time it has changed thousands of lives through pilgrimage.
HCPT Pilgrimage Director, Caroline Bennett said: "we'll also be giving thanks for the Year of Mercy which we are celebrating, a year in which Pope Francis calls on us to reflect on the greatness of God's mercy and love. There are many reasons for HCPT to shout "Thanks be to God!" Let's make HCPT's 60th anniversary a huge celebration which highlights for everyone how loved they are by God. Let's help the Lord change lives through pilgrimage!"
Read more about HCPT's Diamond Jubilee at: www.hcpt.org.uk/theme