Pope Francis: Helping human life means reaching out to those in need
Pope Francis encouraged pro-life supporters today to continue their important work of defending human life at all stages whilst also taking into account the difficult situations that many of our brothers and sisters have to face or endure. He was speaking to 510 participants at a national conference organized by the Italian Congress of the Movement for Life being held in Sacrofano, Italy from 6 to 8 November.
The Pope said in the existential dynamics, everything is interrelated and we need to nurture personal and social sensitivity, both towards welcoming a new life and towards those situations of poverty and exploitation that affect the weakest and most disadvantaged.
Quoting from his encyclical Laudato Si, Pope Francis asked how can we genuinely teach the importance of concern for other vulnerable human beings, if we fail to protect a human embryo? As disciples of Christ, helping a wounded human life means reaching out to all people in need, putting ourselves by their side and sharing their fragility and their pain. How many families and old and young people, he said, are vulnerable because of poverty, sickness, the lack of a job or a home.
Comparing the pro-life supporters to good Samaritans, the Pope noted that when faced with the various threats to human life they have stayed close to their most fragile neighbours to ensure that none of the many people living in precarious situations are excluded or discarded by society. He urged them to continue their work protecting the unborn but also the many people who are seeking a healthier and more dignified existence.
In conclusion, Pope Francis reminded his listeners that we need to promote and defend the family, above all when it concerns the gift of children and affirming the dignity of women. He said he was pleased to note that the Pro-Life Movement's Help Centres are open to everybody, regardless of their religion or nationality and pointed to the significant number of immigrant women who seek help there.
Source: VIS/Vatican Radio/ICN/Tony RC