Text: Working English translation of 2015 Synod of Bishops' final document

A Working English translation from the original Italian, of the SYNOD15 - FINAL RELATIO OF THE SYNOD OF BISHOPS, by Bishop Michael G Campbell OSA of the Catholic Diocese of Lancaster, England on 7 November 2015 has been sent to us by ACTA (A Call to Action) this evening.
The following is the text of the final Relatio of the Synod of Bishops presented to the Holy Father, Pope Francis, at the close of the 14th ordinary general assembly (4th - 25th October 2015) on the theme of "The vocation and mission of the family in the Church and in the modern world."
To read the document please visit: www.acalltoaction.org.uk/documents/synod-2015/219-synod-2015-final-relation-of-the-synod-of-of-bishops-to-the-holy-father-francis-24th-october-2015/file