Pope approves decrees for 17 on path to sainthood

Cardinal Angelo Amato
Pope Francis received Cardinal Angelo Amato, SDB, Prefect for the Congregation for the Causes of Saints in a private audience on Monday. In the course of the audience, the Holy Father authorized the Congregation to promulgate decrees on 17 new people on the path to sainthood, from Sweden, Ukraine, Italy, India, Spain, Vietnam, Brazil, Portugal, Poland and Switzerland. They are:
1. The miracle attributed to the intercession of the Blessed Maria Elisabetta Hesselblad, Founder of the Order of the Most Holy Saviour of Saint Bridget; born a Flågavik, Sweden on 4 June 1870, died at Rome 24 April 1957.
2. The miracle attributed to the intercession of the Servant of God Ladislao Bukowiński, diocesan Priest; born in Berdyczów, Ukraine, on 22 December 1904, died in Karaganda, Kazakhstan, 3 December 1974.
3. The miracle attributed to the intercession of the Venerable Servant of God Maria Celeste Crostarosa (née Giulia), Foundress of the Sisters of the Most Holy Redeemer; born in Naples, Italy, on 31 October 1696, died in Foggia, Italy, 14 November 1755.
4. The miracle attributed to the intercession of the Venerable Servant of God Maria di Gesù (née Carolina Santocanale), Foundress of the Congregation of the Capuchin Sisters of the Immaculata of Lourdes; born in Palermo 2 October 1852 and died in Cinisi, Italy, 27 January 1923.
5. The miracle attributed to the intercession of the Venerable Servant of God Itala Meta, Benedictine Oblate of the Monastery of Saint Paul in Rome; born in La Spezia, Italy, 28 August 1904, and died there 29 April 1957.
6. The heroic virtue of the Servant of God Angelo Ramazzotti, Patriarch of Venice, Founder of the Institute for Foreign Missions; born in Milan, Italy, 3 August 1800 and died in Crespano del Grappa, Italy, on 24 September 1861.
7. The heroic virtue of the Servant of God Joseph Vithayathil, diocesan Priest, Founder of the Congregation of Sisters of the Holy Family; born in Puthenpally, India, on 23 July 1865, died at Kuzhikkattussery, India, 8 June 1964.
8. The heroic virtue of the Servant of God Joseph Mary Arizmendiarrieta, diocesan Priest; born in Markina, Spain, 22 April 1915, and died in Mondragón 29 November 1976.
9. The heroic virtue of the Servant of God Giovanni Schiavo, professed Priest of the Congregation of San Giuseppe; born in Sant'Urbano, Italy, 8 July 1903 and died at Caxias di Sul, Brazil, 27 January 1967.
10. The heroic virtue of the Servant of God Venanzio Maria Quadri (né Antonio), professed Religious of the Order of the Servants of Mary; born in Vado di Setta, Italy, 9 December 1916, and died in Rome 2 November 1937.
11. The heroic virtue of the Servant of God William Gagnon, professed Religious of the Hospitaller Order of St John; born in Dover, USA, 16 May 1905 and died in Hô Chi Minh City (formerly Saigon), Vietnam, 28 February 1972.
12. The heroic virtue of the Servant of God Teresa Rosa Ferdinanda de Saldanha Oliveira e Sousa, of the Third Order of Saint Dominic, Foundress of the Congregation of Portugal of the Dominican Sisters of Saint Catherine of Siena; born 4 September 1837 in Lisbon, Portugal, and died there on 8 January 1916.
13. The heroic virtue of the Servant of God Maria Emilia Riquelme Zayas, Foundress of the Institute of the Missionaries of the Most Holy Sacrament and of the Blessed Virgin Mary Immaculate; born in Granada, Spain, 15 August 1847, and died there 10 December 1940.
14. The heroic virtue of the Servant of God Maria Speranza della Croce (née Salustiana Antonia Ayerbe Castillo), Co-founder of the Recollected Missionary Augustines; born in Monteagudo, Spain, 8 June 1890 and died there 23 May 1967.
15. The heroic virtue of the Servant of God Emanuela Maria Maddalena Kalb (née Elena), professed Sister of the Congregation of Sister Canonesses of Santo Spirito in Sassia; born in Jarosław (now in Poland) on 12 August 1899, and died in Krakow, Poland, on 8 January 1986.
16. The heroic virtue of the Servant of God Nicola Wolf, Layman and Father of a family; born in Neuenkirch, Switzerland on 1 May 1756 and died at Sant'Urbano, Switzerland, on 18 September 1832.
17. The heroic virtue of the Servant of God Teresio Olivelli, Layman; born in Bellagio, Italy, on 7 January 1916, and died in the concentration camp at Hersbruck, Germany, on 17 January 1945.